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Talking Prices: Symbolic Meanings of Prices on the Market for Contemporary Art (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology) Olav Velthuis
How do dealers price contemporary art in a world where objective criteria seem absent? Talking Prices is the first book to examine this question from a sociological perspective. On the basis of a wide range of qualitative and quantitative data, including interviews with art dealers in New York and Amsterdam, Olav Velthuis shows how contemporary art galleries juggle the contradictory logics of art and economics. In doing so, they rely on a highly ritualized business repertoire. For instance, a sharp distinction between a gallery's museumlike front space and its businesslike back space safeguards the separation of art from commerce. Velthuis shows that prices, far from being abstract numbers, convey rich meanings to trading partners that extend well beyond the works of art. A high price may indicate not only the quality of a work but also the identity of collectors who bought it before the artist's reputation was established. Such meanings are far from unequivocal. For......
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The Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns LA?szlo Roth, George L. Wybenga
The Third Edition continues its long tradition as a useful tool in the ever-changing world of packaging design. It features more than fifty new patterns and new material on the latest advances in closures. This hands-on resource gives designers the advantage they need to successfully meet any packaging challenge. Every pattern has been test-constructed to verify dimensional accuracy and is ready to be traced, scanned, or photocopied for immediate use....
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Balenciaga Paris Pamela Golbin, Fabien Baron
A sumptuous retrospective of one of the greatest houses in international fashion Balenciaga Paris traces the designer's collections year by year, from 1937 to 2006, using photos, press cuttings, sketches, and other archival material. The book explores two main periods in depth: 1937-1968, when Cristobal Balenciaga made his name during Paris's golden age of fashion; and 1996-2006, charting the dramatic revival of the House of Balenciaga under Nicolas GhesquiA?re, one of the most widely admired and celebrated new designers in contemporary fashion. He has co-directed the book's production with Pamela Golbin, curator at the MusA©e de la Mode et du Textile, Paris, who has compiled the text. Described by Christian Dior as "the master of us all," Balenciaga's bold genius with cut, line, and fabric mark him out as one of the most daring and original designers in the world of haute couture. His virtuoso command of technique and imaginative exuberance recall his......
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Solar Energy, Technology Policy, and Institutional Values Frank N. Laird
Energy policies influence the shape of emergent technological systems, and also condition our social, political, and economic lives. This book demonstrates the difficulties of deliberating such properties by providing a historical case study that analyzes U.S. renewable energy policy from the end of World War II through the energy crisis of the 1970s. It illuminates the ways beliefs and values come to dominate official problem frames and get entrenched in institutions....
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Оптинский Цветник
Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет. Издание содержит изречения преподобных Оптинских старцев....
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Talking Prices: Symbolic Meanings of Prices on the Market for Contemporary Art (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology). Olav Velthuis . Книги.
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