Большая книга развивающих заданий для детей 5-6 лет

С. Е. Гаврина, Н. Л. Кутявина, И. Г. Топоркова, С. В. Щербинина

  Большая книга развивающих заданий для детей 5-6 лет  С. Е. Гаврина, Н. Л. Кутявина, И. Г. Топоркова, С. В. Щербинина  Академия Развития.   Школа для дошколят.   Как правильно подготовить ребенка к школьному обучению? Что он должен знать при поступлении в школу? Большая книга развивающих заданий для старших дошкольников даст ответы на многие вопросы и поможет сформировать у ребенка необходимые умения и навыки.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Академия Развития. Школа для дошколят. Как правильно подготовить ребенка к школьному обучению? Что он должен знать при поступлении в школу? Большая книга развивающих заданий для старших дошкольников даст ответы на многие вопросы и поможет сформировать у ребенка необходимые умения и навыки....

We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel (P.S.)

Lionel Shriver

  We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel (P.S.)  Lionel Shriver  The gripping international bestseller about motherhood gone awry Eva never really wanted to be a mother&#8212and certainly not the mother of the unlovable boy who murdered seven of his fellow high school students, a cafeteria worker, and a much-adored teacher who tried to befriend him, all two days before his sixteenth birthday. Now, two years later, it is time for her to come to terms with marriage, career, family, parenthood, and Kevin's horrific rampage in a series of startlingly direct correspondences with her estranged husband, Franklyn. Uneasy with the sacrifices and social demotion of motherhood from the start, Eva fears that her alarming dislike for her own son may be responsible for driving him so nihilistically off the rails.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The gripping international bestseller about motherhood gone awry Eva never really wanted to be a mother&#8212and certainly not the mother of the unlovable boy who murdered seven of his fellow high school students, a cafeteria worker, and a much-adored teacher who tried to befriend him, all two days before his sixteenth birthday. Now, two years later, it is time for her to come to terms with marriage, career, family, parenthood, and Kevin's horrific rampage in a series of startlingly direct correspondences with her estranged husband, Franklyn. Uneasy with the sacrifices and social demotion of motherhood from the start, Eva fears that her alarming dislike for her own son may be responsible for driving him so nihilistically off the rails....

MCSA/MCSE: Windows Server 2003 Environment Management and Maintainance Study Guide: Exam 70-290

Lisa Donald, James Chellis

  MCSA/MCSE: Windows Server 2003 Environment Management and Maintainance Study Guide: Exam 70-290  Lisa Donald, James Chellis  This exam (70290) is a core requirement for both the MCSA and MCSE Updated to cover the latest exam version, which includes questions on Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows XP Professional SP2 The CD-ROM features our exclusive WinSim simulation program plus a testing engine, hundreds of sample questions, a PDF of the book, and flashcards  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This exam (70290) is a core requirement for both the MCSA and MCSE Updated to cover the latest exam version, which includes questions on Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows XP Professional SP2 The CD-ROM features our exclusive WinSim simulation program plus a testing engine, hundreds of sample questions, a PDF of the book, and flashcards...

Muslim Society and the Western Indian Ocean: The Seafarers of Kachchh

Edward Simpson

  Muslim Society and the Western Indian Ocean: The Seafarers of Kachchh  Edward Simpson  Based on substantial ethnographic research and further textual and archival research, this book offers a unique perspective on the anthropology of the western Indian Ocean region. The book explores the social migration (kinship, patron-client relations, etc.) through which causes are translated into successful political and economic effects such as Islamic reform and political aspiration. This original work will be useful to scholars of the Indian Ocean as well as many anthropologists.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Based on substantial ethnographic research and further textual and archival research, this book offers a unique perspective on the anthropology of the western Indian Ocean region. The book explores the social migration (kinship, patron-client relations, etc.) through which causes are translated into successful political and economic effects such as Islamic reform and political aspiration. This original work will be useful to scholars of the Indian Ocean as well as many anthropologists....

Cases in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (8th Edition)

  Cases in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (8th Edition)  Kirk C. Heriot  Kirk C. Heriot  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kirk C. Heriot...

<<<  Тематическое и поурочное планирование по биологии. 7 класс. Л. Д. Парфилова             Assessing Potential: A Biodata Approach. Barrie Gunter, Adrian Furnham >>>

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Большая книга развивающих заданий для детей 5-6 лет. С. Е. Гаврина, Н. Л. Кутявина, И. Г. Топоркова, С. В. Щербинина . Книги.

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