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the Photographers Practical Handbook: everything you need to make a success out of your photography Paul Harcourt Davies
Book DescriptionPacked with useful tips, this practical book shows you what you need and how to use it whatever your chosen field of photography: outdoors or in, on the computer or in the darkroom, landscape or portrait. From how to set up a studioor darkroom in your own home to what to take out into the field with you, Paul Harcourt Davies provides the down-to-earth advice that photographers need to take them to the next level. In simple terms, he sets out the essential techniques of different aspects of photography and explains what equipment you really need, how you can get it, adapt it or even build it yourself, and how to get the most out of it. Whether you want to set up your own digital darkroom, take professional studio portraits in your spare room or go out and take better landscapes, The Photographer?s Practical Handbook will give you everything you need to do it....
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El Greco
National Gallery London. El Greco (1541-1614), born Domenikos Theotokopoulos, was one of the most fascinating and distinctive artists of the sixteenth century. His works are immediately recognizable for their brilliant colors, elongated figures, and spiritual intensity. Initially trained in Crete, in around 1567 El Greco moved to Italy where he purportedly studied with Titian. A decade later he is documented in Toledo (south of Madrid), and he spent the rest of his long life in Spain. His paintings and writingsoffer a thoughtful, frequently inspired response to the varied environments in which he worked-and they reveal that he was deeply engaged with the religious and artistic thinking of his times. This lavishly illustrated book-the first comprehensive English-language publication on El Greco in many years-addresses the full range of the artist's work in painting and sculpture, from his Byzantine icons to his late altarpieces. It considers his personality from both a religious and intellectual point of......
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Baraka And Black Magic In Morocco Rick Smith
Getty Trust Publications. Book DescriptionThis stunning graphic novel details cartoonist Rick Smith's travels with his wife Tania throughout Morocco, from Tangiers through the Sahara Desert and on the Marrakech and Casablanca. From hassles with transportation and the locals to language barriers and drugged carpet sales, this travelogue is a whirlwind through pre-9/11 Morocco....
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Construction Safety Management Systems
Book DescriptionThis book draws together leading-edge research papers from the proceedings of an international conference conducted by a commission (W099) on Safety and Health on Construction Sites of CIB, the international council of building research organizations....
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Gardening With Soul: Healing the Earth and Ourselves With Feng Shui and Environmental Awareness Gaylah Balter
Book DescriptionGardening with Soul joins other spiritual gardening books that are becoming a new genre of gardening literature. Exploring the relationships between the environment, history, Feng Shui, and gardening. This entertaining book offers hundreds of interesting and unusual quotes, humor, facts, and garden tips that quide the reader to expand the senses, explore whimsy and delight, and ultimately see the garden in a new way. Ms. Balter invites readers to explore novel ideas for environmental awareness and also offers practical guidelines for co-existing peaceably with all living things: insects, wildlife, weeds, rocks, water, plants, and soil....
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the Photographers Practical Handbook: everything you need to make a success out of your photography. Paul Harcourt Davies . Книги.
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