
С. Л. Евсюк

  Физика  С. Л. Евсюк  Книжный дом.   Репетитор.   Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с действующей государственной программой и содержит основные теоретические положения курса, многочисленные примеры решения задач, а также задачи для самостоятельного решения и варианты централизованного тестирования прошлых лет. Для школьников и абитуриентов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Книжный дом. Репетитор. Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с действующей государственной программой и содержит основные теоретические положения курса, многочисленные примеры решения задач, а также задачи для самостоятельного решения и варианты централизованного тестирования прошлых лет. Для школьников и абитуриентов....

Girding for Battle : The Arms Trade in a Global Perspective, 1815-1940

Marc Flandreau

  Girding for Battle : The Arms Trade in a Global Perspective, 1815-1940  Marc Flandreau  Book DescriptionStoker and Grant have assembled a collection that explores myriad aspects of the world trade in arms. Rare among volumes of collected essays, it has a coherent focus and reliance on solid current research. It provides a valuable tool for students of military, diplomatic, business, and social history.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionStoker and Grant have assembled a collection that explores myriad aspects of the world trade in arms. Rare among volumes of collected essays, it has a coherent focus and reliance on solid current research. It provides a valuable tool for students of military, diplomatic, business, and social history....

Fundraising as a Profession: Advancements and Challenges in the Field, No. 43

  Fundraising as a Profession: Advancements and Challenges in the Field, No. 43  Book DescriptionExamines progress being made in achieving professionalism in the fund-raising field. Presents current analysis on training, compensation, accountability, diversity and gender differences, and organizational team-building.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionExamines progress being made in achieving professionalism in the fund-raising field. Presents current analysis on training, compensation, accountability, diversity and gender differences, and organizational team-building....

The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participant's Workbook (Active Training Series)

Melvin L. Silberman

  The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participant's Workbook (Active Training Series)  Melvin L. Silberman  Book DescriptionFaced with people we don’t like or don’t understand, most of us tend to write them off, or worse still, vent about them to others. How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participants Workbook from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective, yet brief training session that teaches you how to approach difficult people in productive ways. Specifically, you will be learn how to Draw out people rather than closing them down Overcome your barriers to understanding others Look beyond the surface to learn what make people “tick” Take a novel approach when a relationship feels stuck  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFaced with people we don’t like or don’t understand, most of us tend to write them off, or worse still, vent about them to others. How to Bring Out the Better Side of Difficult People, Participants Workbook from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers you an effective, yet brief training session that teaches you how to approach difficult people in productive ways. Specifically, you will be learn how to Draw out people rather than closing them down Overcome your barriers to understanding others Look beyond the surface to learn what make people “tick” Take a novel approach when a relationship feels stuck...

Standing the Heat: Assuring Curriculum Quality in Culinary Arts and Gastronomy

Joseph Hegarty

  Standing the Heat: Assuring Curriculum Quality in Culinary Arts and Gastronomy  Joseph Hegarty  Book DescriptionMake sure your culinary arts students are prepared for the Book DescriptionMake sure your culinary arts students are prepared for the "real world!" Standing the Heat: Assuring Curriculum Quality in Culinary Arts and Gastronomy chronicles the creation and development of an undergraduate degree program in culinary arts at the Dublin Institute of Technology. Written by the head of the institute's School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology, Standing the Heat is a handbook for developing a curriculum that maximizes career opportunities for students as an alternative to the limited path of instructional training offered in hotel management or hospitality degrees. The book details the merger of a vocational education with a more cognitive education that prepares chefs to be more than mere "cooking operatives," introducing educational concepts that establish the culinary arts as a discipline deserving of serious scholarly attention. Standing the Heat: Assuring Curriculum Quality in Culinary Arts and Gastronomy is a first-hand account of......

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Физика. С. Л. Евсюк . Книги.

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