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Concurrent Programming (Cambridge Computer Science Texts) C. R. Snow
This book is designed as a first book on concurrent programming and provides a comprehensive introduction to the problems of concurrency. The book builds on the reader's familiarity with sequential programming in a high-level language. It is concerned mainly with the high-level aspects of concurrency, which will be equally applicable to traditional time-sliced or more recent truly parallel systems. Topics covered include: processes and inter-process communication, shared data and message passing constructs, languages for concurrency, and the implementation of concurrent kernel....
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Strategic Computing: DARPA and the Quest for Machine Intelligence, 1983-1993 (History of Computing) Alex Roland, Philip Shiman
This is the story of an extraordinary effort by the U.S. Department of Defense to hasten the advent of "machines that think." From 1983 to 1993, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) spent an extra $1 billion on computer research aimed atachieving artificial intelligence. The Strategic Computing Initiative (SCI) was conceived as an integrated plan to promote computer chip design and manufacture, computer architecture, and artificial intelligence software. What distinguished SCI from other large-scale technology programs was that it self-consciously set out to advance an entire research front. The SCI succeeded in fostering significant technological successes, even though it never achieved machine intelligence. The goal provided a powerful organizing principle for a suite of related research programs, but it did not solve the problem of coordinating these programs. In retrospect, it is hard to see how it could have. In Strategic Computing , Alex......
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The Best 100 Web Sites for HR Professionals Ray Schreyer and John McCarter
Impact Publications. The Career Savvy Series. The Internet is a vast smorgasbord of information for human resource professionals. However, many become overwhelmed with so many Web sites proclaiming to be "the best." Here's the book that cuts through the hype and provides assistance in locating some of the best online resources. The HR field runs at a hectic pace, and often clear, precise, and up-to-date answers are needed on a moment's notice. Professionals must be able to quickly find the most accurate data available online, without getting lost in the abyss of materials available. They need to know where to find different recruiting services, legal information, tips on salary administration, and more. Designed to help readers get results fast, this informative reference guide: Shows where to start an online search. Directs users to the best sites. Organizes popular sites into ten different HR-related categories. Identifies special features that make each site informative and unique. Includes......
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Foundation Mac OS X Web Development Phil Sherry
If you?re looking for an inclusive guide to web development on the Mac platform, then this is the book for you. Foundation Mac OS X Web Development aims to teach all the essentials of developing dynamic websites in OS X in a linear style. This book is not for hardcore developers, but rather for those new to the OS or the Mac, and looking for a primer on website development. This is ideal for web development professionals who are exploring development on the Mac for the first time, developers who have worked with previous versions of Mac OS, and Mac-loyal designers expanding from print into web design. The book is divided into three sections to make the transition as smooth and friendly as possible: an introduction to the OS X environment and its capabilities; design issues and static web page development with XHTML and CSS; and dynamic web page development using databases and server-side languages. Learn how to add dynamic content to pages using Perl and PHP, and......
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Знак бессмертия (миниатюрное издание) М. В. Ломоносов
Русский раритет. Книгу составили духовные и торжественные оды, послания, идиллии и другие поэтические произведения великого реформатора и основателя современного русского стихосложения....
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Concurrent Programming (Cambridge Computer Science Texts). C. R. Snow . Книги.
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