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Dimensions of the Hospitality Industry: An Introduction, 3rd Edition Paul R. Dittmer
Dimensions of the Hospitality Industry offers a broad survey of today's burgeoning hospitality industry. Organized into seven major sections, the new edition covers the history of the industry and provides an introduction to the management andoperation of its three principal segments: food and beverage; lodging; and travel and tourism. It also presents an insightful discussion of the significant issues facing managers now and in the future....
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Concurrent Engineering : Automation, Tools, and Techniques Andrew Kusiak
Presents a top-down approach to the design, development, testing and recyclability of products, components and systems across a wide range of industries. Starting with the desired result and working back through the details, it shows how to produce goods, taking into account the challenges of actual manufacture, what the reliability requirements should be, quality control, associated costs, customer needs and more. Additional features include case studies and team negotiating. Also well-illustrated with figures, photographs, charts and tables and includes an extensive bibliography....
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Marketing Exchange Transactions and Relationships Franklin S. Houston, Jule B. Gassenheimer, James M. Maskulka
This book discusses marketing from an exchange perspective. While marketing as defined by the American Marketing Association is based in exchange, the discipline has yet to identify a more general exchange taxonomy. This is the first contemporary book todraw exchange into the discipline in an integrated fashion. The authors describe "needs satisfaction" taxonomy that includes exchange as one of its classes. This volume fully examines exchange and the alternatives to exchange--with special attention going to Alderson's "potency" construct--and discusses important criticisms of an exchange-grounded general theory of marketing....
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Wit, Wisdom & Moxie: A Fundraiser's Compendium of Wrinkles, Strategies, and Admonitions That Really Work Jerold Panas
Several years ago Jerold Panas started a file called "Good Stuff!" In it, he started saving bits and pieces of fundraising wisdom ? delicious morsels that were too good to throw away, but that he couldn?t logically file anywhere else. In Wit, Wisdom & Moxie, Panas digs into his "Good Stuff!" box and shares the pieces he considers to be the best, the wisest and the most fun. You?ll find inspirational quotes, thought-provoking anecdotes, surprising statistics and, best of all, practical advice from perhaps the nation?s most celebrated fundraising author....
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Casting Your Net: A Student's Guide to Research on the Internet (2nd Edition) H. Eric Branscomb
The first comprehensive guide to conducting academic research on the Internet. The book assumes a certain familiarity with standard research procedures (e.g. library and notetaking skills) and a general computer literacy, but assumes little experience with the Internet. All the major researchable modes of the Internet and their respective search engines are covered, from the early technologies FTP, WAIS, and gopher, which still have usefulness today, to the current favorites, Usenet and the World Wide Web. Also included are sections on the listservs and e-mail. All discussion of finding and evaluating Internet-based information occurs within the context of typical student research, showing how the Internet fits into finding a topic, shaping and narrowing the focus, drafting and revising the paper, and integrating and documenting the source material. Discussions are machine and interface independent, applying to Windows, Macintosh, and text-based......
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Dimensions of the Hospitality Industry: An Introduction, 3rd Edition. Paul R. Dittmer . Книги.
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