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Bienes raices: Manual practico de compra, venta y administracion. J. A. Ruano, J. A. "Tony" Ruano
A long time needed guide to Spanish speaking community has been qualified by experts and journalists as the "Bible of Real Estate" The book is a selection of author's best articles published in the last seven years in the USA National Hispanic Newspapers. Carefully organized, gives valuable information not only on purchasing, selling, renting and financing real estate properties, but it goes further in legal aspects, insurance and liabilities, investment analysis, tenant's qualifications, Community Associations and many other items related to Real Estate transactions. Este libro ha sido calificado por expertos y periodistas como "La Biblia en Bienes Raices" El libro es una seleccion de los mejores articulos publicados por el autor, en los ultimos siete anos, en la prensa hispana de USA. Cuidadosamente organizado, el libro versa acerca de la compra, venta, renta, administracion, finanzas, seguros, impuestos, asociaciones de......
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Microsoft Visual C++.NET Don Gosselin
Learn the skills necessary to create applications in the new, dynamic Visual C++.NET development platform! This new text initially presents hands-on instruction in the basics of C++ and Windows application programming, then brings the reader confidentlyinto the Visual environment in the second half of the book....
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Computational Theories of Interaction and Agency (Artificial Intelligence) Philip E. Agre, Stanley J. Rosenschein
Over time the field of artificial intelligence has developed an "agent perspective" expanding its focus from thought to action, from search spaces to physical environments, and from problem-solving to long-term activity. Originally published as a specialdouble volume of the journal Artificial Intelligence , this book brings together fundamental work by the top researchers in artificial intelligence, neural networks, computer science, robotics, and cognitive science on the themes of interaction andagency. It identifies recurring themes and outlines a methodology of the concept of "agency." The seventeen contributions cover the construction of principled characterizations of interactions between agents and their environments, as well as the use of these characterizations to guide analysis of existing agents and the synthesis of artificial agents. Contents: Computational Research on Interaction and Agency. Sensorimotor Transformation in the Worlds of Frogs and Robots. Learning......
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The Digital Divide: Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth? (MIT Press Sourcebooks) Benjamin M. Compaine
The Digital Divide refers to the perceived gap between those who have access to the latest information technologies and those who do not. If we are indeed in an Information Age, then not having access to this information is an economic and social handicap. Some people consider the Digital Divide to be a national crisis, while others consider it an over-hyped nonissue. This book presents data supporting the existence of such a divide in the 1990s along racial, economic, ethnic, and education lines. But italso presents evidence that by 2000 the gaps are rapidly closing without substantive public policy initiatives and spending. Together, the contributions serve as a sourcebook on this controversial issue....
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Thyroid Cancer - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Refere
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....
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Bienes raices: Manual practico de compra, venta y administracion.. J. A. Ruano, J. A. "Tony" Ruano . Книги.
Курск, Саратов, Тамбов, Уссурийск,
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