Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment

Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts

  Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment  Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts  This text offers complete coverage of business law and its environment in a non-technical, straightforward, and learner-friendly style. Cases are summarized by the authors and integrated throughout chapters. Legal issues and court decisions are carefully explained with a minimum of legal jargon. Most important, Essentials of Business and The Legal Environment covers all required business law topics for the CPA exam.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text offers complete coverage of business law and its environment in a non-technical, straightforward, and learner-friendly style. Cases are summarized by the authors and integrated throughout chapters. Legal issues and court decisions are carefully explained with a minimum of legal jargon. Most important, Essentials of Business and The Legal Environment covers all required business law topics for the CPA exam....

Corporate Networks in Europe and the United States

Paul Windolf

  Corporate Networks in Europe and the United States  Paul Windolf  This book offers a compelling comparasion of corporate networks within the United States and Europe. It focuses on the comparative data on the inter-changing directories and networks of Germany, The United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United States.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book offers a compelling comparasion of corporate networks within the United States and Europe. It focuses on the comparative data on the inter-changing directories and networks of Germany, The United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United States....

Invest in Charity: A Donor's Guide to Charitable Giving

Ron Jordan, Katelyn L. Quynn, Katelyn Quynn

  Invest in Charity: A Donor's Guide to Charitable Giving  Ron Jordan, Katelyn L. Quynn, Katelyn Quynn  A Complete Guide to Personal Philanthropy Are you one of the newly wealthy with an interest in A Complete Guide to Personal Philanthropy Are you one of the newly wealthy with an interest in "giving back" . . . an heir to money you?d like to share with a favorite cause . . . or simply someone who would like to do good in your community? There are more opportunities than ever for people of every financial station to make a difference through charitable giving. But how do you choose among the many options available, and how do you know which type of gift is best for you? Invest in Charity: A Donor?s Guide to Charitable Giving will teach you everything you need to know to devise and follow an effective charitable giving plan. It explains how to find the right charity; understand the tax, estate, and financial considerations; and select a gift?whether it?s a one-time cash gift or a lifelong annuity. Covering everything from researching the legitimacy of a nonprofit organization to navigating the tax and estate laws that apply to you, this guide will......

Bringing Geographical Information Systems into Business

David J. Grimshaw

  Bringing Geographical Information Systems into Business  David J. Grimshaw  GIS systems deal with georeferenced data, data associated with specific geographical areas. The use of GIS software in such industries as finance, insurance, real estate, retail, health care, transportation, and mobile promises to improve productivity. The newest edition of the 1993 original describes how a GIS system can be successfully integrated into a company's existing management information system, with insights on the specific costs and benefits involved. With a view toward the latest technological wrinkles—Web-based implementations, mobile systems incorporating GPS, and higher capacity personal computers—this newest edition offers up-to-date advice on GIS's newer and more sophisticated uses. The book also demonstrates how GIS improvesboth tactical and strategic business decisions, and details the software now available for incorporating GIS into a company's operations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин GIS systems deal with georeferenced data, data associated with specific geographical areas. The use of GIS software in such industries as finance, insurance, real estate, retail, health care, transportation, and mobile promises to improve productivity. The newest edition of the 1993 original describes how a GIS system can be successfully integrated into a company's existing management information system, with insights on the specific costs and benefits involved. With a view toward the latest technological wrinkles—Web-based implementations, mobile systems incorporating GPS, and higher capacity personal computers—this newest edition offers up-to-date advice on GIS's newer and more sophisticated uses. The book also demonstrates how GIS improvesboth tactical and strategic business decisions, and details the software now available for incorporating GIS into a company's operations....

The Servant Leader: Transforming Your Heart, Head, Hands, & Habits

Kenneth H. Blanchard, Phil Hodges, Ken Blanchard

  The Servant Leader: Transforming Your Heart, Head, Hands, & Habits  Kenneth H. Blanchard, Phil Hodges, Ken Blanchard  Best-selling author of The One-Minute Manager , Ken Blanchard, along with Phil Hodges, reveals the meaning of servant leadership modeled after Jesus Christ. Based on Blanchard?s and Hodges? Faith Walk seminars, business leaders come to realize that teams are more powerful than the sum of the individuals and to recognize their people as appreciating assets. Servant Leader summarizes the Four Dimensions of Leadership: the head (leadership assumptions and methods) the hands (application and leadership behavior) the heart (edging God out) the habits (solitude, prayer, study of scripture, unconditional love, etc.) The thousands who have attended his seminars witnessed the transforming power of this unconventional approach. Readers seeking to grow as leaders and business executives will find Servant Leader nothing short of life-changing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Best-selling author of The One-Minute Manager , Ken Blanchard, along with Phil Hodges, reveals the meaning of servant leadership modeled after Jesus Christ. Based on Blanchard?s and Hodges? Faith Walk seminars, business leaders come to realize that teams are more powerful than the sum of the individuals and to recognize their people as appreciating assets. Servant Leader summarizes the Four Dimensions of Leadership: the head (leadership assumptions and methods) the hands (application and leadership behavior) the heart (edging God out) the habits (solitude, prayer, study of scripture, unconditional love, etc.) The thousands who have attended his seminars witnessed the transforming power of this unconventional approach. Readers seeking to grow as leaders and business executives will find Servant Leader nothing short of life-changing....

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Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment. Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts . Книги.

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