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KPF: Selected Works: America, Europe, Asia (The Millennium Series) Images Publishing
Book DescriptionThe KPF team of design professionals stands out from their peers as architects and planners with a focus on world best practices. The central focus of the firm, which was founded in 1976 in Columbus, Indiana, and now has offices in Londonand Tokyo as well, is a commitment to designing buildings that respond to the environment physically and from the point of view of sustainability. The portfolio of this 400-person firm includes the world?s best of corporate headquarters, institutional (academic, financial, exhibition, medical), government, residential, retail, media, master plans, renovations and transportation. It is a Who?s Who of world corporations and institutional designs. This portfolio includes major corporate and institutional projects in almost every major center in the world. As befitting a firm of such prestige, and typical of the Millennium Series, this outstanding book, with a bold and informative layout, presents the firm?s landmark and......
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Lie Awake Lake (Field Poetry) Beckian Fritz Goldberg
Book DescriptionAlready one of America's most admired poets, Beckian Fritz Goldberg won the 2004 FIELD Poetry Prize with her brilliant new collection, LIE AWAKE LAKE. Centered often around the event of her father's death, and exploring the meanings of the body in new and often surprising ways, these poems extend the range and accomplishment of a poet who is greatly admired by her fellow writers....
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Silent Storm: Finding Spiritual Shelter During Hepatitis C Mark Prater
Book DescriptionMark Prater faced a silent killer in Hepatitis C, an insidious disease that slowly consumed his health until he fought back with all the weapons of modern medicine. The struggle to regain his vitality proved as harsh as the disease itself, and, in Mark?s own words, seemed a burden nearly too heavy to bear. Mark?s story focuses not just on his illness, but on his faith, which in the depths of his illness led him to discover a deeper relationship with God. Public and private prayers for Mark and his family came from tens of thousands of sympathetic fans across the Southeast (Mark is a popular local television personality). Mark?s physical and spiritual fight against Hepatitis C taught him patience and, more importantly, faithin the face of overwhelming adversity. Presently, Mark is free of the disease, his body leansed by a painful assortment of medicines and his soul healed by the cleansing power of prayer. Mark?s story offers inspiration to......
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Why Lawsuits Are Good for America: Disciplined Democracy, Big Business, and the Common Law (Critical America) Carl T. Bogus
Book Description"Compelling . . . Bogus presents a persuasive corrective to the distorted and factually incorrect arguments of those who seek to prevent victims from shifting the cost of accidents and injuries to responsible wrongdoers. If any book was needed to contribute to that side of the national debate, this is the one." ? Bar Reporter , October 2001 "A sophisticated study that makes an important contribution to discussions of the civil justice system" ? Trial "Debunks the horror stories about irrational punitive-damage awards . . . Bogus's convincing, sustained argument will make a useful contribution to an important national debate." ? Publishers Weekly "Compelling arguments. . . . This book provides an important perspective on a timely issue, and its engaging style makes it suitable for a broad audience." ? Harvard Law Review Judging by the frequency with which it makes an appearance in......
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Безупречный сервис. Чтобы каждый клиент чувствовал себя королем Ари Вайнцвейг
Добрая книга. Вы до сих пор считаете, что самой популярной закусочной в США является McDonalds? Как бы не так! Это компания Zingerman's, которая славится рецептами не только вкусных сэндвичей, но и безупречного сервиса. Как показал опыт Zingerman's, в сфере услуг любое малое предприятие может успешно конкурировать с гигантами, если в совершенстве овладеет современными технологиями обслуживания клиентов. В этой книге руководители Zingerman's делятся секретами организации безупречного сервиса и рассказывают, как перейти от риторики в стиле "клиент всегда прав" к построению на предприятии целостной системы обслуживания клиентов. Вы узнаете, как разработать единые корпоративные стандарты обслуживания и добиться от сотрудников их соблюдения; как работать с жалобами клиентов; как оценивать качество сервиса; какие тонкости психологии должны знать ваши сотрудники для успешной работы с клиентами: например, на каком расстоянии следует устанавливать визуальный контакт с клиентом, а на каком - здороваться с......
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На главную
KPF: Selected Works: America, Europe, Asia (The Millennium Series). Images Publishing . Книги.
Новокузнецк, Псков, Октябрьский, Сызрань, Сызрань, Чита, Октябрьский, Химки, Нефтеюганск, Ульяновск,
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