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Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics
Book DescriptionThe world of logistics has considerably changed due to globalization, modern information technology, and especially increasing ecological awareness. Large Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems are developing to global logistic networks. This book reflects major trends of the recent decade in SCM and, additionally, presents ideas and visions for logistic networks of the 21st century. Among the various aspects of SCM, emphasis is placed on reverse logistics: closing the loop of a supply chain by integrating waste materials into logistic management decisions....
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Strategic Alliances: Theory and Evidence (Oxford Management Readers)
Book DescriptionThis book addresses the basic concepts and theories of collaborative strategy. It presents an introduction on the topic of alliance research. This volume goes on to suggest the economics perspectives on alliances as well as how to select the most beneficial alliance. It also presents features a section on real options, an important and emerging feature in the area of strategy. The concluding section introduces relational perspectives of collaborative strategy....
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European Competition Law: A Practitioner's Guide Lennart Ritter
Book DescriptionEC competition law is in a steady process of evolution. Many important changes in legislation and enforcement emphasis have occurred since the First Edition appeared in 1991. These changes include the amendment of the merger control regulation, the harmonization and simplification of the procedural rules, the liberalization of hitherto monopolized markets, the coordinated application of the competition rules by the Commission, national authorities and national courts, and a reappraisal ofhow to deal with vertical restraints in the Commission's Green Paper, the Council's first response, and finally the Commission's White Paper on Modernization of the Rules Implementing Article 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty (as renumbered by the Amsterdam Treaty). Even more fundamental changes in the structure of the Community and the dynamic forces of competition have caused a broader rethinking about competition rules which is ongoing as this Second Edition goes to press. The enlargement......
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Принц и нищий Марк Твен
АСТ, Астрель, Транзиткнига. Любимое чтение. В книге известного американского писателя Марка Твена рассказывается о приключениях английского принца Эдуарда Тюдора и маленького оборвыша Тома Кенти, на время поменявшихся местами....
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State and Locality in Mughal India : Power Relations in Western India, c. 1572-1730 (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications) Farhat Hasan
Book DescriptionThis examination of the interaction between state and society greatly contributes to our understanding of medieval India. The Mughal empire, one of the most powerful states in pre-British India with an impressive administrative structure and an aristocratic high culture, has long held a fascination for historians. Exploring the Mughal State on the basis of extant local documents not previously treated by historians, this book demonstrates that the state was deeply entangled with social forces....
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