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Community Forestry in the United States: Learning from the Past, Crafting the Future Mark Baker, Jonathan Kusel
Across the United States, people are developing new relationships with the forest ecosystems on which they depend, with a common goal of improving the health of the land and the well-being of their communities. Practitioners and supporters of what hascome to be called community forestry are challenging current approaches to forest management as they seek to end the historical disfranchisement of communities and workers from forest management and the all-too-pervasive trends of long-term disinvestmentin ecosystems and human communities that have undermined the health of both. Community Forestry in the United States is an analytically rigorous and historically informed assessment of this new movement. It examines the current state of community forestry through a grounded assessment of where it stands now and where it might go in the future. The book not only clarifies the state of the movement, but also suggests a trajectory and process for its continued development....
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The New Money Management: A Framework for Asset Allocation Ralph Vince
THE NEW MONEY MANAGEMENT In his bestselling Portfolio Management Formulas and The Mathematics of Money Management, Ralph Vince brought the complex mathematics of probability and modern portfolio management theory down to earth for traders and investors. He introduced innovative new ways they could be used to maximize account management decisions. Now, in this groundbreaking new book, Vince takes a quantum leap forward to provide investment professionals with a proven new approach to portfolio management that overturns nearly a half-century of accepted wisdom about asset allocation and money management. The culmination of Ralph Vince's years spent probing the limits of the mathematics of portfolio management, The New Money Management elaborates on his celebrated Optimal f notion—a concept which will be familiar to readers of either of Vince's previous books—to provide a revolutionary portfolio management model designed to optimize account performance, not just......
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Value Investing in Real Estate Gary W. Eldred
. Value Investing in Real Estate outlines a safe and rewarding way to plan for your retirement and increase your income without the risks so common to the stock market. You'll learn how to buy real estate properties using Ben Graham's time-tested methods for evaluating investments. It's a proven way to build assets and income-a big payoff for relatively little time and effort. This book proves the advantages of value investing in real estate as compared to stocks in terms of stability, yield, growth, and equity appreciation. Value Investing in Real Estate also guides readers through important topics such as identifying geographical areas of growth, population patterns, land use, market indicators, condos, townhouses, fixer-uppers, and conversions. It covers what you need to know about both value investing and the real estate market-and how to combine the two for high returns-all backed with examples that illustrate each concept and technique. Формат: 16,5 см x 24 см....
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Theories of Inclusive Education: A Student's Guide Peter Clough, Jenny Corbett
This book traces the major stages of thinking in the development of inclusive education. It provides overviews of the main theoretical influences: the medico-psychological model; sociological positions; curriculum studies; school effectiveness; and the impact upon policy and practice of the Disability Movement. Positioned and discussed in their historical contexts the book provides a synopsis and critique of the last 50 years, including the introduction of the term "Special Educational Needs," the practice of integration, and the present processes of inclusive education. The unique features of this book include personal reflections by a number of people who are considered to have had major influence in the...
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MP: MIS with Simnet MIS (V.2) Gerald V Post, Gerald Post
Post and Anderson's Management Information Systems, 3/e focuses on how managers can apply knowledge of IT tools to solve management problems and find new opportunities to improve their organizations. This revised edition addresses these challenges and continues to illustrate how information technology supports managers in their operational and decision-making tasks performed each day. Post/Anderson is fundamentally different from other MIS texts in the following ways: 1) Strength of Chapter 6-Database Management, emphasizes that databases are crucial to any business application; 2) Chapter 7 shows the importance of data integration and how ERP software meets that need; 3) Industry-specific cases; 4) Rolling Thunder Bicycle Company database; 5) Application appendices....
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На главную
Community Forestry in the United States: Learning from the Past, Crafting the Future. Mark Baker, Jonathan Kusel . Книги.
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