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The Patent Process Craig Hovey, Craig Hovey
A simple, straightforward guide to the ins and outs of the modern patent process In the information age, intellectual property is often as valuable as?? if not more valuable than?? any physical asset a company or an entrepreneur can possess. But protecting your intellectual property is vitally important to your future success, no matter how brilliant your idea. Large businesses and corporations typically have their own patent attorneys to deal with intellectual property issues?? a luxury most small businesses and entrepreneurs can?t afford. If you have intellectual property to protect, but you lack the resources of a major company, then The Patent Process is for you. Written for individuals, entrepreneurs, and small companies, it provides readers with a solid introduction to patents and other forms of intellectual property, without becoming exhaustive and overly complicated. It clearly and concisely explains the things you need to......
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Creating Environmental Business Value: Achieving Two Shades of Green (Crisp Management Library, 17) Stephen Poltorzycki, Stephen Poltorzy
This book presents a road map for establishing environmental initiatives for an organization using a five-step program developed by the author and others at Arthur D. Little....
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The Changing Outplacement Process John L. Meyer, Carolyn C. Shadle
With downsizing, layoffs, and other retrenchment measures afflicting both the public and private sectors, outplacement consulting has grown from a minor specialty among human resource (HR) firms into almost an industry. Authors explore changes that have occurred in the outplacement process--as well as its practice--to provide a clearer understanding of what it is and what it offers organizations and their employees. Clearly written and designed to assist upper management and their HR professionals, the book provides not only an insight into the meaning of jobs loss and its devastating effects on workers and the organization, but also a way to help lessen the blow to both. This book is a well-researched, practical resource for all organizations in this economically difficult decade....
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Half a Job: Bad and Good Part-Time Jobs in a Changing Labor Market Chris Tilly
Over 20 million people are working part-time in the United States, more than six million of them involuntarily. Both Time and Fortune magazines have run recent cover stories about this constrained faction of the workforce, who tend to earn on average 40 percent less than full-time workers. Addressing this disturbing trend, Chris Tilly presents a current, in-depth analysis of how U.S. businesses use part-time employment, and why they are using it more and more. Worker demand for part-time jobs peaked more than twenty years ago, but employers' desires for cheap labor and schedule flexibility have continued to drive the long-term growth of part-time jobs. Tilly argues that this growth is a reaction to the expanding trade and service industries, which, by their nature, depend on part-time workers. Examining the nature and purposes of the different types of part-time employment, he explores the roots of part-time jobs in the organization of work, and the inadequacies of existing public......
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Risk-Based Analysis for Environmental Managers Kurt Frantzen
All corporations must perform evaluations to define the risks to public health and the environment. Your corporation can get the edge by evaluating risk with a process that begins with the "end-in-mind" for the property and that concludes with a cogentlycommunicated argument that addresses the issues. With this in mind, Risk-Based Analysis for Environmental Managers provides scientific strategies and techniques for reducing corporate environment liabilities.This practical guide provides a new, integrated perspective on the role of risk assessment in managing contaminated properties. It describes how to manage the assessment to impact decision making. The book provides you with a crisp, historical review and background development and an integrated technique called Risk-Based Analysis. This technique includes: oA problem formulation tooloSituation analysis techniquesoRisk assessment managementoRisk management option analysisoGuidance on the development of risk arguments and their......
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The Patent Process. Craig Hovey, Craig Hovey . Книги.
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