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How to Start a Business in Florida (HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN FLORIDA) Entrepreneur Press
This series covers the federal, state, and local regulations imposed on small businesses, with concise, friendly and up-to-the-minute advice on each critical step of starting your own business....
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Uncertainty and the Environment: Implications for Decision Making and Environmental Policy Richard Young
?The disturbance of an ecosystem is a unique, one-off event which involves, in the author?s terms, ?hard uncertainty?. This book makes a major contribution to environmental economics by tackling this issue head-on. Young articulates the Shackle theory and evaluates it with a case study of the Belize Southern Highway. In doing so he makes a major contribution to Shacklean economics by conducting ?laboratory experiments? with some of the personnel associated with the project and provides fascinating original material on the impact on the ecosystem. He demonstrates how Shackle?s theory can be used in decisions that involve environmental concerns.? - J.F. Ford, Emeritus Professor, University of Birmingham, UK This thought provoking book is concerned with the need to deal adequately with uncertainty in environmental decision making. The author advances a critique of the use of traditional models and then develops an alternative model of......
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The Eurodollar Futures and Options Handbook (Irwin Library of Investment & Finance.) Galen Burghardt
Eurodollar trading volume is exploding, with no end in sight tools phenomenal growth. The Eurodollar Futures and Options Handbook provides traders and investors with the complete range of current research on Eurodollar futures and options, now the most widely traded money market contracts in the world. The only current book on this widely-followed topic, it features chapters written by Eurodollar experts from JP Morgan, Mellon Capital, Merrill Lynch, and other global trading giants, and will quickly become a required reference for all Eurodollar F&O traders and investors....
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The 8 Best Practices of High-Performing Salespeople Norm Trainor
. What does it take to become a high-performing salesperson? This book reveals the eight best practices you need to master in order to become a top producer. The 8 Best Practices of High-Performing Salespeople follows the stories of real sales professionals, relating their experiences and challenges first-hand. The 8 Best Practices of High-Performing Salespeople is like a private coaching session for those who want to increase sales and build lasting value in their business: Lets you in on actual situations and conversations. Offers practical advice and simple strategies form the best in the business. No matter what business you are in, adopting the 8 Best Practices will increase your revenue and allow you to reach your full potential....
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Make Your Paycheck Last: How to Create a Budget You Can Live With Jason R. Rich
Here is the ideal financial resource for students, recent graduates, newlyweds, young professionals, single parents, the recently divorced, recent retirees, and anyone seeking to take charge of their finances. If most or all of your paycheck seems to disappear by the time your monthly expenses are paid or you are in serious debt this book will help you. Millions of people are living paycheck to paycheck with little or no savings and no game plan for changing their financial predicament. This book, with contributions from real financial experts, is for every one of them! It is an easy-to-read, straightforward, information-packed book for the financially unsophisticated that offers step-by-step directions and dozens of strategies for: Developing and implementing a custom-tailored budget; Setting and achieving personal and family financial goals; Cutting everyday living expenses; Reducing and eventually eliminating debt; Saving money every month; Earning more money; Planning for the......
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На главную
How to Start a Business in Florida (HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN FLORIDA). Entrepreneur Press . Книги.
Северодвинск, Новокузнецк, Курган, Ижевск, Шахты, Сызрань, Таганрог,
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