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Depoliticizing Development: The World Bank and Social Capital John Harriss
The idea of social capital, meaning, most simply put, "social connections" was unheard of outside a small circle of sociologists until very recently. Now it is proclaimed by the World Bank to be the "missing link" in international development and it has become the subject of a flurry of books and research papers. This book explores the origins of the idea of social capital and its diverse meanings in the work of James Coleman, Pierre Bourdieu and of Robert Putnam, who is responsible, more than any other, through his work on Italy and the United States, for its extraordinary rise. John Harriss then asks why this notion should have taken off in the dramatic way that it has done and finds, in its uses by the World Bank the attempt systematically to obscure class relations and power. Social capital has thus come to play a significant part in "the anti-politics machine" that is constituted by the discourses of international development. This powerful and lucid critique will be of......
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Politics and Society in the Developing World Mehran Kamrava
This book is a completely revised edition of the popular first edition, Politics & Society in the Third World . The author has brought the book in line with the major changes in global politics and social issues of the developing world....
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Strategy and Performance: Getting the Measure of Your Business (Strategy and Performance) Andy Neely, Michael Bourne, John Mills, Ken Platts, Huw Richards
Understanding how your manufacturing business performs is essential to remain competitive, but extremely difficult to do. The main purpose of this book is to provide directors, managers, change agents and consultants with simple but effective tools to help design and implement performance measurement systems, such as the Balanced Scorecard. It contains specific tools which will be of interest to practicing managers and consultants. These tools and techniques have been developed over many years and honed through application in companies such as Rolls-Royce Aerospace and Federal Mogul. Besides large multi-nationals, the techniques have also been used effectively in medium and smaller sized entreprises and are appropriate to any manufacturing company employing 50 people or more. CD included....
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Multiskilling for Television Production Peter Ward, Alan Bermingham, Chris Wherry
Focal Press. Written by television trainers who run their own courses on Multiskilling, this book offers a comprehensive introduction to the broad range of skills and technical knowledge required in this industry. It details all the essential information you need to know, acting as an on-the-job reference source for everyday use. For many broadcasting technicians, one of the biggest challenges in recent years has been the transition from a career working in a solo core skill such as camerawork or audio, to acquiring the experience and expertise of a range of production jobs. Many people are expected to work in a number of crafts and to equip themselves with a much wider range of television techniques than had been customary in the past. Multiskilling has become an integral part of television culture, requiring that new entrants are competent in several specialist production skills. Multiskilling for Television Production concentrates on the techniques associated with news and......
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The Bible on Leadership: From Moses to Matthew-Management Lessons for Contemporary Leaders Lorin Woolfe
Millions have been inspired by the Bible's spiritual lessons. Now, Lorin Woolfe provides a unique way to view the Bible . . . for leadership lessons that can be applied to our modern business world. Consider David's courage and innovation in slaying Goliath with just a stone and a sling; Moses' outstanding "succession planning" in picking Joshua; Joseph and the political skills that brought him to the seat of power; and of course, Jesus' compassion, communication skills, and vision that launched Christianity (a long-term success by any measure). These are leaders among leaders. Their achievements -- and their inspired methods of achievement -- offer a wholly different perspective on business leadership. For the dozens of Biblical stories presented, the book provides: * A concise retelling of each story * One (or more) leadership lessons suggested by each story * Examples of contemporary business leaders who exhibit some of the inspired traits of these ancient......
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На главную
Depoliticizing Development: The World Bank and Social Capital. John Harriss . Книги.
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