Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace : A Manager's Guide to Recognition, Evaluation, and Control

  Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace : A Manager's Guide to Recognition, Evaluation, and Control  This book examines toxic chemicals that may be present in the workplace and--with easy-to-understand, nontechnical language--examines the steps an organization can take to manage them.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book examines toxic chemicals that may be present in the workplace and--with easy-to-understand, nontechnical language--examines the steps an organization can take to manage them....

Trade, Growth and Development

Gustav Ranis, Lakeshmi K. Raut, L.K. Raut

  Trade, Growth and Development  Gustav Ranis, Lakeshmi K. Raut, L.K. Raut  Hardbound. In March 1998 professional colleagues and students of T.N. Srinivasan joined together at the Festschrift Conference at Yale to honor his work. The book contains nineteen of the contributions which were presented, reflecting the four closely related dimensions of trade and development. Part I deals with the various dimensions of the issue of growth with particular emphasis on technology choice as well as saving and fertility behavior in Ramsey-type models. Part II moves into the more applied issues of International trade, including the impact of North-South trade on Northern wages, the reasons for the failure of pegged exchange rates in the South, as well as the pros and cons of regional vs. multilateral trading arrangements. Part III presents a variety of theoretical and applied approaches to analyze Indian planning and development experience. The final section, Part IV, addresses the general topic of market failures and economic structur  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hardbound. In March 1998 professional colleagues and students of T.N. Srinivasan joined together at the Festschrift Conference at Yale to honor his work. The book contains nineteen of the contributions which were presented, reflecting the four closely related dimensions of trade and development. Part I deals with the various dimensions of the issue of growth with particular emphasis on technology choice as well as saving and fertility behavior in Ramsey-type models. Part II moves into the more applied issues of International trade, including the impact of North-South trade on Northern wages, the reasons for the failure of pegged exchange rates in the South, as well as the pros and cons of regional vs. multilateral trading arrangements. Part III presents a variety of theoretical and applied approaches to analyze Indian planning and development experience. The final section, Part IV, addresses the general topic of market failures and economic structur...

Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership Development

C. Brooklyn Derr, Sylvie Roussillon, Frank Bournois

  Cross-Cultural Approaches to Leadership Development  C. Brooklyn Derr, Sylvie Roussillon, Frank Bournois  Leadership development is critical to organizational competitive advantage. The key to successful leadership development programs lies in understanding the complex and always-shifting interplay of national culture, organizational culture, program dynamics, and individual differences. Editors Derr, Roussillon, and Bournois explain the interrelationships among these influences, demonstrating how national culture may play a greater role in leadership development programs in some countries than in other countries.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Leadership development is critical to organizational competitive advantage. The key to successful leadership development programs lies in understanding the complex and always-shifting interplay of national culture, organizational culture, program dynamics, and individual differences. Editors Derr, Roussillon, and Bournois explain the interrelationships among these influences, demonstrating how national culture may play a greater role in leadership development programs in some countries than in other countries....

Postmodern Wetlands

Rodney James Giblett, Rodney James Gilbert

  Postmodern Wetlands  Rodney James Giblett, Rodney James Gilbert  Examines the swamp--traditionally regarded as a place of horror and ill health in western culture--from a cross-disciplinary standpoint. Gilbert uses material from fiction, films, and popular culture and draws on cultural studies, philosophy, social theory, and other disciplines to criticize the urge to drain swamps ('the project of modernity') as masculinist and imperialist.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Examines the swamp--traditionally regarded as a place of horror and ill health in western culture--from a cross-disciplinary standpoint. Gilbert uses material from fiction, films, and popular culture and draws on cultural studies, philosophy, social theory, and other disciplines to criticize the urge to drain swamps ('the project of modernity') as masculinist and imperialist....

Info-line : Level 3 Evaluation: Application

Jack Phillips, William Jones, Connie Schmidt, William Jones, Jack Phillips, Connie Schmidt

  Info-line : Level 3 Evaluation: Application  Jack Phillips, William Jones, Connie Schmidt, William Jones, Jack Phillips, Connie Schmidt  Takes an in-depth examination of how to measure on-the-job application of training or level three evaluation. Includes several questions to illustrate content concerns and to capture behavior change skill transfer to the workplace. Job aid includes a level three action plan. Part of a five-part series on training evaluation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Takes an in-depth examination of how to measure on-the-job application of training or level three evaluation. Includes several questions to illustrate content concerns and to capture behavior change skill transfer to the workplace. Job aid includes a level three action plan. Part of a five-part series on training evaluation....

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Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace : A Manager's Guide to Recognition, Evaluation, and Control. . Книги.

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