Александро-Невская лавра. Архитектурный ансамбль и памятники некрополей

А. И. Кудрявцев, Г. Н. Шкода

  Александро-Невская лавра. Архитектурный ансамбль и памятники некрополей  А. И. Кудрявцев, Г. Н. Шкода  Художник РСФСР.   Александро-Невская лавра. Архитектурный ансамбль и памятники некрополей.   Альбом посвящен уникальному памятнику отечественной архитектуры XVIII века - ансамблю Александро-Невской лавры и вопросам развития русской и советской мемориальной пластики, рассмотренным на примерах произведений выдающихся мастеров - М. И. Козловского, И. П. Мартоса, В. И. Демут-Малиновского, В. А. Беклемишева, В. А. Синайского и других, входящих в собрание Музея городской скульптуры. Издание включает около 200 иллюстраций.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Художник РСФСР. Александро-Невская лавра. Архитектурный ансамбль и памятники некрополей. Альбом посвящен уникальному памятнику отечественной архитектуры XVIII века - ансамблю Александро-Невской лавры и вопросам развития русской и советской мемориальной пластики, рассмотренным на примерах произведений выдающихся мастеров - М. И. Козловского, И. П. Мартоса, В. И. Демут-Малиновского, В. А. Беклемишева, В. А. Синайского и других, входящих в собрание Музея городской скульптуры. Издание включает около 200 иллюстраций....

Read & Speak English: Workbook

Т. Ю. Дроздова

  Read & Speak English: Workbook  Т. Ю. Дроздова  Антология.   Антология. "Read and Speak English: Workbook" является приложением к учебнику "Read and Speak English". Пособие разработано для расширения и углубления грамматического раздела учебника. В основу упражнений положен ситуативный подход: грамматические явления рассматриваются в едином смысловом контексте - ситуации. Значительная часть заданий представляет собой короткие рассказы, шутки, диалоги, которые можно использовать не только в качестве грамматических упражнений, но и как законченные "тексты" для проверки понимания содержания и развития навыков говорения....

The Corporate Culture Survival Guide

Edgar H. Schein, Edgar H. Schein

  The Corporate Culture Survival Guide  Edgar H. Schein, Edgar H. Schein  Culture. We blithely use the term for just about anything--a vibrant culture, a dominant culture, a corporate culture. But do we really know what we're saying, what culture really means? Or do we most often assume that the term is just a convenient way to group those with a common purpose or goal and a method for achieving it? Isn't a corporate culture, for example, just Culture. We blithely use the term for just about anything--a vibrant culture, a dominant culture, a corporate culture. But do we really know what we're saying, what culture really means? Or do we most often assume that the term is just a convenient way to group those with a common purpose or goal and a method for achieving it? Isn't a corporate culture, for example, just "the way we do things around here"? No, it's not. In The Corporate Culture Survival Guide , Edgar Schein reveals how that's merely the tip of the iceberg, an iceberg that managers ignore at the peril of their company's future. Underneath lies the much-harder-to-grasp "essence" of the company, the "learned, shared, tacit assumptions on which people base their daily behavior." These assumptions are learned over time and in different internal and external environments, becoming, as Schein puts it, the "residue of success." As these assumptions influence all aspects of how a company functions,......

The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period (ILAS Critical Reflections on Latin America Series)

Laura Randall

  The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period (ILAS Critical Reflections on Latin America Series)  Laura Randall  The historic and increasing interdependence of the Latin American and U.S. economies makes an understanding of the political economies of Latin American nations particularly timely and important. After World War II, many nations initially implemented import substituting industrialization policies. Their outcomes, and the shift in policies, are related to the domestic policies and world economic conditions that led to government deficits, inflation, foreign borrowing, debt renegotiation, and renewed emphasis on common markets and other devices to stimulate trade and investment. In The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period, important policy measures are evaluated, such as indexation of prices and contracts; special provisions for financing the government through the Central Bank; stabilization; and deregulation of the economy. The introduction presents trends in Latin American growth and the factors that influence them. This is followed by parallel studies of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The historic and increasing interdependence of the Latin American and U.S. economies makes an understanding of the political economies of Latin American nations particularly timely and important. After World War II, many nations initially implemented import substituting industrialization policies. Their outcomes, and the shift in policies, are related to the domestic policies and world economic conditions that led to government deficits, inflation, foreign borrowing, debt renegotiation, and renewed emphasis on common markets and other devices to stimulate trade and investment. In The Political Economy of Latin America in the Postwar Period, important policy measures are evaluated, such as indexation of prices and contracts; special provisions for financing the government through the Central Bank; stabilization; and deregulation of the economy. The introduction presents trends in Latin American growth and the factors that influence them. This is followed by parallel studies of the......

Adaptive Learning by Genetic Algorithms: Analytical Results and Applications to Economic Models

Herbert Dawid

  Adaptive Learning by Genetic Algorithms: Analytical Results and Applications to Economic Models  Herbert Dawid  This book deals with the learning behavior of boundedly rational agents in economic systems. In particular, the modeling of learning populations by genetic algorithms is studied in detail. After an extensive review and discussion of the existing literature in the first part, a mathematical analysis of the dynamic properties of genetic algorithm learning in the general framework of systems with a state dependent fitness function is provided. It is shown that co-evolutionary economic models typically fall into this class and the usefulness of the analytical results derived is illustrated in several game theoretic and microeconomic models. The mathematical analysis is complemented by extensive simulation analyses. The last part of the book demonstrates how the obtained theory may be used to design the algorithm such that the learning of equilibria of the economic system is facilitated.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book deals with the learning behavior of boundedly rational agents in economic systems. In particular, the modeling of learning populations by genetic algorithms is studied in detail. After an extensive review and discussion of the existing literature in the first part, a mathematical analysis of the dynamic properties of genetic algorithm learning in the general framework of systems with a state dependent fitness function is provided. It is shown that co-evolutionary economic models typically fall into this class and the usefulness of the analytical results derived is illustrated in several game theoretic and microeconomic models. The mathematical analysis is complemented by extensive simulation analyses. The last part of the book demonstrates how the obtained theory may be used to design the algorithm such that the learning of equilibria of the economic system is facilitated....

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Александро-Невская лавра. Архитектурный ансамбль и памятники некрополей. А. И. Кудрявцев, Г. Н. Шкода . Книги.

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