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English Pottery 1620-1840 Robin Hildyard
Book Description This new, beautifully illustrated volume is the first to give a broad picture of the English pottery trade in the 17th to 19th centuries. Complete with stunning new photography and based on the superb collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, this extensive volume covers the main types of pottery produced during this period from the beginnings of Delftware through the rise of the Staffordshire potteries to the decline of fine pottery brought on by mass production. Providing an overview of how trade influenced production and exploring such themes as trends in collecting as well as the export market, this comprehensive book is a must-have for collectors and academics alike....
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Mandala Sand Art Kit
Walter Foster. What are mandalas? Amazing designs made with circles! Many cultures throughout the ages have used mandalas (or circle designs) as a way to release creative energy and focus on positive change. This Mandala Sand Art kit offers a unique andmodern approach to crafting these traditional designs. Inside this kit, you'll find all the materials you need to create 8 traditional sand art designs--plus 2 original sand art creations. You'll also learn about the history and the origins of these amazing patters that stimulate the mind and encourage creativity to flow. Dr. Toy 2004 Best Vacation Products Winner!...
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Spirit of the Orb Series: Rune Holder Chronicles the Awakening J. J. Barton
PublishAmerica. The continent of Matir is in uproar. The apparent falling from grace of the Kingdom of Merkava has sent many other kingdoms into turmoil. The Merkavans have sealed themselves away from the world. Humans from all around are seeking solace in the sealed country for some reason unknown to the other races. Matir’s races are scrambling to protect themselves from a growing empire in the north, which is ruled by the vampires. They, alongside with another ruler and warlord Ceriph the Green, are in the process of invading the ailing Kingdom and will use anything in their power to take over. Wien Linue is a young man with great aspirations. He becomes persecuted, distrusted by his own companions and even attacked, all because he begins to change dramatically from a young man into something ... else. The young King of Merkava, Hej Merkav, tries his hardest to be a good king. Doing so is a complicated task, because he has to contend with the nobles that seek so badly to control him. If not so, he......
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Snow White Bear: A Glitter Bear Book Sue Harris
Book DescriptionSnow White Bear joins the other Glitter Bear titles: Angel Bear, Ballerina Bear, Fairy Bear, Princess Bear, and Cinderella Bear. Delightfully colored artwork and simple rhyming verse put a cuddly new spin on beloved classic tales. Full ofmagical sparkle, this oversized board book features die-cuts, brightly colored artwork, and holographic foil on every page -- adding a touch of glitter to illustrator Pauline Siewart's delicate paintings. In addition, each page features rhyming text and sparkling images of shiny butterflies, stars, unicorns, bells, doves, flowers, and hearts....
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The Black Devil Brigade : The True Story of the First Special Service Force in World War II Joseph A. Springer
Book Description They were the shock troops of the American Army. In their ranks were lumberjacks, miners, skiers-men from the United States and Canada who were accustomed to hardship and living on their own. Their training was extraordinary: forced marches of 100 miles in the Montana wilderness with 50-pound backpacks was typical. Weapons training was equally rigorous and the men became as dangerous with their hands and a knife as they were with rifle and machine gun. In Italy they became the unit called to accomplish the impossible. At Monte Cassino, and at Anzio, they did, earning the respectful accolade from their German enemies: Schwartzer Teufel-Black Devils. For the first time ever, the men of the First Special Service Force tell in their own words the full and complete story of their unit which is regarded as the parent of today's Green Berets....
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На главную
English Pottery 1620-1840. Robin Hildyard . Книги.
Электросталь, Уфа, Дзержинск, Орехово-Зуево, Брянск, Улан-Удэ, Тверь, Калининград, Альметьевск, Тюмень, Ставрополь, Ковров, Ачинск, Орехово-Зуево, Новомосковск, Невинномысск, Санкт-Петербург,
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