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Русские монастыри / Russian Cloisters
Троица, Очарованный Странник. Монастыри мира. Книга посвящена действующим монашеским обителям Южной части Центрального региона России: Тамбовской и Мичуринской, Пензенской и Кузнецкой, Липецкой и Елецкой, Воронежской и Борисоглебской епархии....
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Основная операция Данил Корецкий
Эксмо. Корецкий. Доведенный бытовым и служебным идиотизмом до отчаяния, капитан - лейтенант Чижик соглашается угнать ракетный подводный крейсер стратегического назначения; в Москве бесчинствуют многочисленные банды; обнищавшие ученые готовы продать одной из ближневосточных стран портативный ядерный фугас; чеченские террористы угрожают взорвать Кремль; идет беспощадная тайная война в высших эшелонах власти... Знакомый читателям романов "Пешка в большой игре" и "Акция прикрытия" генерал спецслужбы Верлинов и его товарищи проводят ряд специальных операций по стабилизации обстановки в России....
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Live & Work in Italy, 4th (Live & Work - Vacation Work Publications) Victoria Pybus
Book Description The essential guide for all those wishing to work and/or settle in Italy, whether in the business metropolises of Milan and Turin or in the countryside from Tuscany to Calabria....
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First Rule Of Leadership: Achieve Far More By Leading Your Self Before You Lead Others Stephen G. Payne
Book DescriptionIf you're a leader and you want to be far more successful at leading, you will definitely want to read First Rule of Leadership by leadership coach and strategist Dr. Stephen G. Payne. In his book, Stephen brings his passionate coaching insights to all leaders from corporate CEOs to aspiring graduates. He challenges you to take a close look at how well you are leading yourself. Not just others. After all, what limits or inspires a great performance by your team is you. Only when you apply The Rule, and take full responsibility for leading yourself with excellence, can you expect fantastic results from your team. Stephen has created a comprehensive yet straightforward and readily doable approach to leadership. The book is full of potent tools and crisp concepts to help you discover what it takes to expand your leadership performance. With them you will lead with greater confidence and purpose, master your strengths, and achieve far more for yourself, your team,......
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Vintage Views of the Charlevoix-Petoskey Region M. Christine Byron
Book Description The breathtaking beauty of the Charlevoix-Petoskey region is richly presented with nostalgic views from the past. Hundreds of historic postcards and photographs from days gone by illustrate the grandeur of this picturesque Michigan region as it was, revealing the reason why earlier generations were so attracted to this northern Michigan location. Historical newspaper articles, copy from early travel guides, and old postcard messages give the reader a true perspective on the region's history from the 1890s through the 1960s. The authors have a special talent for researching and selecting the most appropriate graphics to display the genuine feeling for this area. Their overview of the history of the locale along with illustrations will conjure up memories that will long be cherished....
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Русские монастыри / Russian Cloisters. . Книги.
Калининград, Ухта, Саранск, Златоуст,
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