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Optimize Your Operation: Stories, Tools and Lessons for Using the Principles of Process Management to Improve Your Quality (The Walkabout Series) James C. Abbott
Though the term sounds general, "operational optimization" actually consists of several clearly defined tools that must be used together to be successful. Product and process analysis, mental Division of Labor, and knowledge base building must all be properly applied to yield increased profitability, improvements in product quality, and a more robust knowledge base. OPTIMIZE YOUR OPERATION presents these vital tools using entertaining, easy-to-understand stories that speed the learning process. These stories encompass the lessons that will allow a businessperson to radically improve a department, a division, or an entire company....
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The Next Economy : Will You Know Where Your Customers Are? Elliot Ettenberg, Elliott Ettenberg
A powerful new approach to building customer commitment, loyalty, and market share Marketing guru Elliott Ettenberg has taken a close look inside scores of businesses, from traditional retail and manufacturing companies to sleek new dot-coms. What he has seen is an emerging trend that has many corporate strategists running scared. When baby boomers retire, the biggest spenders in history will dramatically cut back on spending, forcing retailers to duke it out that much harder for their shares of rapidly dwindling markets. To survive this dramatic power shift, businesses must adopt a new marketing paradigm based not on merely satisfying the customer, but delighting the customer. In The Next Economy , Ettenberg provides readers with just such a model and a set of powerful strategies that companies can use today to prepare themselves to thrive in the years ahead. With the help of many in-depth case studies, he schools readers in cutting-edge......
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Action Script for Flash Mx Pocket Reference (Pocket Reference (O'Reilly)) Colin Moock
O'Reilly Media. Macromedia Flash MX is the de facto standard for delivering web-based multimedia and rich Internet applications to over 500 million users worldwide. The Action Script for Flash MX Pocket Reference provides a complete summary of Action Script, Flash MX's object-oriented programming language, covering the methods and properties of core objects and classes. Also covered are Action Script's global properties, global functions, operators, statements, keywords, and directives. This pocket reference includes an excellent summary of Action Script syntax and best practices, covering datatypes, variables, loops, conditionals, identifiers, event handling, and object-oriented programming in short order. For programmers coming to Action Script from other languages, it includes a quick orientation to the most common Flash elements and operations, including movie clips, loading and drawing graphics, text manipulation, data transfers, and XML parsing....
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Мир Пушкина
Русская книга. Мир Пушкина. Цель настоящего альбома - помочь читателю ощутить атмосферу пушкинской жизни. Мир Пушкина - внутренний мир поэта, вобравший "все впечатления бытия", и внешний мир, его окружающий. Факты его житейской биографии. История рода Пушкиных, начавшаяся в России со времен Святого благоверного князя Александра Невского. Русские Ганнибалы - абиссинские предки поэта. События современности и русской истории, приковавшие внимание поэта, даны в ярких символах, знаках, лицах....
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Китайская тушь Джейн Эванс
АСТ, Астрель. Школа живописи. Пособие научит вас создавать художественные произведения в китайском стиле, преодолевать возникающие при этом технические трудности и осваивать сложные приемы работы тушью. Автор книги, известная английская художница и преподаватель, помогает раскрыть ваши творческие способности....
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Optimize Your Operation: Stories, Tools and Lessons for Using the Principles of Process Management to Improve Your Quality (The Walkabout Series). James C. Abbott . Книги.
Димитровград, Саратов, Ростов-на-Дону, Дзержинск, Северодвинск, Октябрьский, Иваново, Грозный, Грозный, Альметьевск, Орск, Ярославль, Новотроицк,
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