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Cracking the Ap Economics: Macro & Micro Exams 2004-2005 (Princeton Review Series) David Anderson
The Princeton Review realizes that acing the AP Economics Exam is very different from getting straight A’s in school. We don’t try to teach you everything there is to know about economics–only what you’ll need to score higher on the exam. There’s a big difference. In Cracking the AP Economics Macro & Micro Exams, we’ll teach you how to think like the test makers and -Score higher by reviewing the economics concepts most likely to be tested -Safeguard yourself against traps that can lower your score -Crack the free-response questions by learning to make graphs that work for you -Perfect your skills with review questions in each chapter This book includes 2 full-length practice tests, one each for themacroeconomics and microeconomics exams. All of our practice test questions are like the ones you’ll see on the actual exam, and we fully explain every answer....
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Project Management for Business Professionals : A Comprehensive Guide Joan Knutson
No longer restricted to the engineering industry, project management has at long last crossed over to mainstream business. Project Management for Business Professionals is the definitive reference on the essentials of contemporary project management. Featured here are some of the foremost practitioners and researchers from academia, consulting, and private industry, sharing their various areas of project management expertise and providing a wide range of perspectives on everything from risk management to resource planning to ethics management. Focusing on both the technical and human sides of the field, this unique resource follows the main points of the "project management body of knowledge"?the certification standard of the Project Management Institute. The experts address the procedures and processes for planning and managing projects and explore project team/group dynamics, examining the interpersonal relations and the political and organizational considerations......
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Employment Impacts of Cleaner Production (Zew Economic Studies, 21) Klaus Rennings, Thomas Zwick
The book provides an empirical analysis of the factors that determine the employment impact of environmental innovations. The multivariate estimations are based on a methodology taking direct and indirect employment effects on the firm level into account. The data are derived from interviews with more than 1500 firms in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the UK specifically conducted for this analysis. In addition to the empirical study based on interviews, case studies from five selected business sectors are used to provide profound insight in the environmental innovation behaviour of the firms....
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On the Rampage Russell Mokhiber, Robert Weissman
"Incisive."-Noam Chomsky From Worldcom to Coke, from Enron to the White House, these columns offer trenchant revelations of corporate dirty deeds. Featuring the 10 worst corporations and 10 reasons to dismantle the World trade organization, Mokhiber and Weissman take on the single greatest threat to Democracy: corporate power. The 10 most wanted corporations: Arthur Andersen British American Tobacco(BAT) Caterpillar Citigroup DynCorp M&M/Mars Procter & Gamble Schering Plough Shell Wyeth...
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Global Leadership: The Next Generation Marshall Goldsmith, Warren G. Bennis, John O'Neil, Cathy Greenberg, Maya Hu-Chan, Alastair Robertson
The follow-up to Marshall Goldsmith's 500,000-copy bestseller The Leader of the Future, Global Leadership: The Next Generation systematically identifies what tomorrow's leaders will need to know, do and believe in order to successfully lead the global enterprise of the future. Drawing on the results of an extraordinary 2-year Accenture study of emerging business leaders, this book shows why the skills of today's global leaders won't be enough--and why tomorrow's leaders won't resemble today's. Goldsmith and his co-authors first identify five new "factors of leadership" and their implications: global thinking, appreciation of diversity, technological savvy, a willingness to partner and an openness to sharing leadership. They explain what it will mean to lead in an era where intellectual capital is the dominant source of value; how to lead people whose backgrounds and values may be radically dissimilar from yours; and why achieving personal self-mastery is now a......
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Cracking the Ap Economics: Macro & Micro Exams 2004-2005 (Princeton Review Series). David Anderson . Книги.
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