Microsoft Office Xp: Spiral

Timothy J. O'Leary

  Microsoft Office Xp: Spiral  Timothy J. O'Leary  The goal of the O’Leary Series is to give students a basic understanding of computing concepts and to build the skills necessary to ensure that information technology is an advantage in whatever career they choose in life. The O’Leary Office2000 Enhanced and Office XP texts are crafted to be the true step-by-step way for students to develop Microsoft Office application skills. The text design emphasizes step-by-step instructions with full screen captures that illustrate the results of eachstep performed. Each Tutorial (chapter) combines conceptual coverage with detailed software-specific instructions. A running case that is featured in each tutorial highlights the real-world applications of each software program and leads students step-by-step from problem to solution.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The goal of the O’Leary Series is to give students a basic understanding of computing concepts and to build the skills necessary to ensure that information technology is an advantage in whatever career they choose in life. The O’Leary Office2000 Enhanced and Office XP texts are crafted to be the true step-by-step way for students to develop Microsoft Office application skills. The text design emphasizes step-by-step instructions with full screen captures that illustrate the results of eachstep performed. Each Tutorial (chapter) combines conceptual coverage with detailed software-specific instructions. A running case that is featured in each tutorial highlights the real-world applications of each software program and leads students step-by-step from problem to solution....

Dietary Fat: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Icon Health Publications

  Dietary Fat: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References  Icon Health Publications  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

Groupware and the World Wide Web

Richard Bentley

  Groupware and the World Wide Web  Richard Bentley  The advent of the World Wide Web has changed the perspectives of groupware systems. The interest and deployment of Internet and intranet groupware solutions is growing rapidly, not just in academic circles but also in the commercial arena. The first generation of Web-based groupware tools has already started to emerge, and leading groupware vendors are urgently adapting their products for compatibility and integration with Web technologies. The focus of Groupware and the World Wide Web is to explore thepotential for Web-based groupware. This book includes an analysis of the key characteristics of the Web, presenting reasons for its success, and describes developments of a diverse range of Web-based groupware systems. An emphasis on the technical obstacles and challenges is implemented by more analytical discussions and perspectives, including that of Information Technology managers looking to deploy groupware solutions within their organizations. Written by experts from different...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The advent of the World Wide Web has changed the perspectives of groupware systems. The interest and deployment of Internet and intranet groupware solutions is growing rapidly, not just in academic circles but also in the commercial arena. The first generation of Web-based groupware tools has already started to emerge, and leading groupware vendors are urgently adapting their products for compatibility and integration with Web technologies. The focus of Groupware and the World Wide Web is to explore thepotential for Web-based groupware. This book includes an analysis of the key characteristics of the Web, presenting reasons for its success, and describes developments of a diverse range of Web-based groupware systems. An emphasis on the technical obstacles and challenges is implemented by more analytical discussions and perspectives, including that of Information Technology managers looking to deploy groupware solutions within their organizations. Written by experts from different......

Машина времени. Рассказы / The Time Machine. Stories

Герберт Дж. Уэллс

  Машина времени. Рассказы / The Time Machine. Stories  Герберт Дж. Уэллс  АСТ, Астрель.   Учебная книга для чтения на английском языке.   Вниманию читателей предлагаются адаптированные рассказы Г.Дж.Уэллса АСТ, Астрель. Учебная книга для чтения на английском языке. Вниманию читателей предлагаются адаптированные рассказы Г.Дж.Уэллса "Машина времени", "Дверь в стене", "Империя муравьев", "Неопытное приведение", "Новый ускоритель". Комментарии и упражнения к каждому из них дают возможность проанализировать и обсудить прочитанное, развить навыки устной речи. Книга предназначена для учащихся старших классов школ, лицеев и гимназий, а также для широкого круга лиц....

Выращиваем алоэ

  Выращиваем алоэ  Харвест.   Самое главное.   Кто не знает алоэ, растение-доктор, растение, одно название которого прочно ассоциируется у нас со здоровьем, растение, которое у многих растет на подоконнике. Эта книга позволит узнать много нового об алоэ, даст ответ на множество вопросов: как правильно ухаживать за растением, как его использовать для лечения различных заболеваний.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Харвест. Самое главное. Кто не знает алоэ, растение-доктор, растение, одно название которого прочно ассоциируется у нас со здоровьем, растение, которое у многих растет на подоконнике. Эта книга позволит узнать много нового об алоэ, даст ответ на множество вопросов: как правильно ухаживать за растением, как его использовать для лечения различных заболеваний....

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Microsoft Office Xp: Spiral. Timothy J. O'Leary . Книги.

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