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Act Like an Owner : Building an Ownership Culture Robert M. Blonchek, Martin F. O'Neill
Most workers are conditioned to view themselves as one-dimensional in relation to their company—as a salesperson, or an engineer, or a manager. But imagine the possibilities if everyone in your organization started thinking and acting like entrepreneurs—like owners of the business. Imagine if your employees shared the same beliefs, both in their abilities and in the purpose of your business, and focused all their energies on making that business successful—knowing that they, in turn, would become successful as well. That is the power of an ownership culture, and this book will show you how to mobilize human intellect and ingenuity for competitive advantage. Act Like an Owner is an action guide to building a culture of employee ownership within an organization. Authors Blonchek and O'Neill present their business model, "Act Like an Owner," which grew out of their experience building information technology service businesses. This model is a roadmap for......
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Computer Exports and National Security: New Tools for a New Century : A Report of the Csis Commission on Technology Security in the 21St-Century (Csis Panel Reports.) Joseph S. Nye, William A. Owens, James R. Schlesinger, R. James Woolsey, James A. Lewis, Joseph S., Jr. Nye, James Andrew Lewis, Erin Schlather, Csis Commission on Technology Security in the Twenty-First Century
The report's recommendations for strengthening U.S. national security fall into 3 areas: ending Cold War export controls, strengthening proliferation-related controls, and accelerating the process by which the United States gains national security advantage from information technology. Although implementing these recommendations may be difficult, such reform is essential to enhancing national security....
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How Academic Leadership Works : Understanding Success and Failure in the College Presidency (Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series) Robert Birnbaum
This book reveals the complex factors that influence the real and perceived effectiveness of academic leaders. It shows that the qualities commonly thought to be indicators of good leadership are irrelevant and often counterproductive. It explains that successful academic leadership can be defined by the extent to which strategic constituencies?faculty, students, and others who share in campus leadership?support the president....
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Going Online @ Home: How to Make the Internet a Family Activity Ken Reaves
Everyday, thousands of families log on to the Internet for the first time. Though some in the family may be computer literate, most know little about their computer and even less about the Internet. They want help. Going Online @ Home is a how-to guidefor families-helping them to reap the benefits while avoiding the dangers of the Internet. Organized in a family-friendly manner, families will learn how the Internet works, how to protect themselves (and their computers) from the dangers of the Internet, and how to use the most popular features of the Internet. It is the only book a family needs to go online....
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Building Application Servers (SIGS: Advances in Object Technology) Rick Leander, Richard S. Wiener
To address new demands in business computing, software vendors are introducing application server toolkits. The concept is to create clusters of low-cost computers that support one specific business area, then connect these clusters to the corporate network. By using the network as the computer, one piece of software can support desktop computing, electronic commerce, and communication with traditional mainframe software. Building Application Servers is a practical guide to application server technology,explaining the theory of network computing and providing practical techniques that use these tools to produce effective business solutions. Rick Leander includes practical examples and program code that use UML, Java, RMI, and JDBC to illustrate design problems and programming techniques. The development framework offered spans a variety of platforms, vendors, and middleware architectures. Software developers who are familiar with traditional client/server technology but want to learn......
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Act Like an Owner : Building an Ownership Culture. Robert M. Blonchek, Martin F. O'Neill . Книги.
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