The Warrior Within

Brian W. Bishop

  The Warrior Within  Brian W. Bishop  Book DescriptionBetrayed and torn from a life of comfort, Mitchell Harvey is left to die on a remote, primitive planet. His struggle to survive re-awakens in him a long dormant hunger for life and his battles to survive the attacks of man and beast ignite within him a powerful lust for combat. As Mitch makes his way into the mountains of his new home to try and gain the knowledge and tools heA?ll need to survive, he saves the life of Wanchese Hawkins, a beautiful, strong willed, young womanwho has fled to those same mountains rather than allow her people to force her to marry a man she doesnA?t love, simply to satisfy an old and unfair tradition. Thrown together by fate and circumstance, Mitch and Wanchese are forced to dependon one another to survive and forge a gruding friendship as they fight to save the lives of an unsuspecting people targeted for conquest and enslavement. Together they form new friendships, overcome fear and prejudice, survive terrible...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionBetrayed and torn from a life of comfort, Mitchell Harvey is left to die on a remote, primitive planet. His struggle to survive re-awakens in him a long dormant hunger for life and his battles to survive the attacks of man and beast ignite within him a powerful lust for combat. As Mitch makes his way into the mountains of his new home to try and gain the knowledge and tools heA?ll need to survive, he saves the life of Wanchese Hawkins, a beautiful, strong willed, young womanwho has fled to those same mountains rather than allow her people to force her to marry a man she doesnA?t love, simply to satisfy an old and unfair tradition. Thrown together by fate and circumstance, Mitch and Wanchese are forced to dependon one another to survive and forge a gruding friendship as they fight to save the lives of an unsuspecting people targeted for conquest and enslavement. Together they form new friendships, overcome fear and prejudice, survive terrible......

Office Solutions 2004/2005

  Office Solutions 2004/2005  Book DescriptionDie Arbeitswelt befindet sich im Wandel. So gelten Buro-Interieurs zunehmend auch als Visitenkarte des Unternehmens. Diese Funktion ubernimmt die Buroausstattung nicht nur gegenuber Kunden und Besuchern, sondern auch innerhalb eines Unternehmens als Motivationsfaktor fur die Mitarbeiter. Office Solutions mochte Gestaltern, Entscheidern und Objekteinrichtern innovative Losungen an die Hand geben, die ihnen als Inspirationsquelle fur eigene Projekte dienen soll. Herausragende Beispiele geben Einblicke in die spezifischen Gestaltungsmoglichkeiten unterschiedlicher Burokonzepte. Anspruchsvolle redaktionelle Beitrage sowie zahlreiche hochwertige Fotografien und Planskizzen unterstutzen dies. Die Publikation richtet sich an Entscheider aus dem Management, Beratungsfirmen, Objekteinrichter und -planer, Innenarchitekten sowie Designer und Design.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDie Arbeitswelt befindet sich im Wandel. So gelten Buro-Interieurs zunehmend auch als Visitenkarte des Unternehmens. Diese Funktion ubernimmt die Buroausstattung nicht nur gegenuber Kunden und Besuchern, sondern auch innerhalb eines Unternehmens als Motivationsfaktor fur die Mitarbeiter. Office Solutions mochte Gestaltern, Entscheidern und Objekteinrichtern innovative Losungen an die Hand geben, die ihnen als Inspirationsquelle fur eigene Projekte dienen soll. Herausragende Beispiele geben Einblicke in die spezifischen Gestaltungsmoglichkeiten unterschiedlicher Burokonzepte. Anspruchsvolle redaktionelle Beitrage sowie zahlreiche hochwertige Fotografien und Planskizzen unterstutzen dies. Die Publikation richtet sich an Entscheider aus dem Management, Beratungsfirmen, Objekteinrichter und -planer, Innenarchitekten sowie Designer und Design....

Black Dionysus: Greek Tragedy and African American Theatre

Kevin J., Jr. Wetmore

  Black Dionysus: Greek Tragedy and African American Theatre  Kevin J., Jr. Wetmore  Book DescriptionMany playwrights, authors, poets and historians have used images, metaphors and references to and from Greek tragedy, myth and epic to describe the African experience in the New World. The complex relationship between ancient Greek tragedy and modern African American theatre is primarily rooted in America, where the connection between ancient Greece and ancient Africa is explored and debated the most. The different ways in which Greek tragedy has been used by playwrights, directors and others to represent and define African American history and identity are explored in this work. Two models are offered for an Afro-Greek connection: Black Orpheus, in which the Greek connection is metaphorical, expressing the African in terms of the European; and Black Athena, in which ancient Greek culture is Book DescriptionMany playwrights, authors, poets and historians have used images, metaphors and references to and from Greek tragedy, myth and epic to describe the African experience in the New World. The complex relationship between ancient Greek tragedy and modern African American theatre is primarily rooted in America, where the connection between ancient Greece and ancient Africa is explored and debated the most. The different ways in which Greek tragedy has been used by playwrights, directors and others to represent and define African American history and identity are explored in this work. Two models are offered for an Afro-Greek connection: Black Orpheus, in which the Greek connection is metaphorical, expressing the African in terms of the European; and Black Athena, in which ancient Greek culture is "reclaimed" as part of an Afrocentric tradition. African American adaptations of Greek tragedy on the continuum of these two models are then discussed, and plays by Peter......

The Economic Emergence of Women : Second Edition

Barbara R. Bergmann

  The Economic Emergence of Women : Second Edition  Barbara R. Bergmann  Book Description This new edition of a classic feminist book explains how one of thegreat historical revolutions--the ongoing movement toward equalitybetween the sexes--has come about. Its origins are to found, not inchanging ideas, but in the economic developments that have made women'slabor too valuable to be spent exclusively in domestic pursuits. Therevolution is unfinished; new arrangements are needed to fightstill-prevalent discrimination in the workplace, to achieve a more justsharing of housework and child care between women and men, and, with the weakening of marriage, to re-erect a firm economicbasis for the raising of children. In this new edition, Bergmann provides an update on women's economic situation today and ultimately proves her argument is as relevant and essential today as it was when this book was first published this book in 1986.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This new edition of a classic feminist book explains how one of thegreat historical revolutions--the ongoing movement toward equalitybetween the sexes--has come about. Its origins are to found, not inchanging ideas, but in the economic developments that have made women'slabor too valuable to be spent exclusively in domestic pursuits. Therevolution is unfinished; new arrangements are needed to fightstill-prevalent discrimination in the workplace, to achieve a more justsharing of housework and child care between women and men, and, with the weakening of marriage, to re-erect a firm economicbasis for the raising of children. In this new edition, Bergmann provides an update on women's economic situation today and ultimately proves her argument is as relevant and essential today as it was when this book was first published this book in 1986....

Jelly's Blues: The Life, Music, and Redemption of Jelly Roll Morton

Howard Reich

  Jelly's Blues: The Life, Music, and Redemption of Jelly Roll Morton  Howard Reich  Book DescriptionThe acclaimed, definitive biography of the first jazz composer, based on newly discovered archival material. Jelly's Blues recounts the tumultuous life of Jelly Roll Morton (ca., 18851941). A virtuoso pianist with a larger-than-life personality, he composed such influential early jazz pieces as Book DescriptionThe acclaimed, definitive biography of the first jazz composer, based on newly discovered archival material. Jelly's Blues recounts the tumultuous life of Jelly Roll Morton (ca., 18851941). A virtuoso pianist with a larger-than-life personality, he composed such influential early jazz pieces as "King Porter Stomp" and "New Orleans Blues." However, by the late 1930s, he was nearly forgotten. In 1992, the death of an eccentric memorabilia collector led to the unearthing of a startling archive, revealing Morton to be a much more complex and passionate man than many realized. An especially immediate and visceral look into the jazz worlds of New Orleans and Chicago, Jelly's Blues is a definitive biography, a long overdue lookat one of the twentieth century's most important composers....

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The Warrior Within. Brian W. Bishop . Книги.

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