The Lighter Side of Technology in Education

Aaron Bacall

  The Lighter Side of Technology in Education  Aaron Bacall  Corwin Press.   A sense of humor is essential in education! As educators, we often take ourselves a bit too seriously, so veteran educator and illustrator Aaron Bacall offers a little perspective with these lighthearted cartoons. Whether used as overheads for staff development meetings or as an individual break in a busy day, this collection of whimsical glimpses at technology will provide a moment to laugh and add a little levity—and poignancy—to your workday. Intended to amuse, inspire, and reveal the simple truths that surround us, these illustrations are ideal for: Staff training days Conference presentations Classroom lectures Community meetings Internal communications …and they will continue reminding us that we can laugh at almost anything!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Corwin Press. A sense of humor is essential in education! As educators, we often take ourselves a bit too seriously, so veteran educator and illustrator Aaron Bacall offers a little perspective with these lighthearted cartoons. Whether used as overheads for staff development meetings or as an individual break in a busy day, this collection of whimsical glimpses at technology will provide a moment to laugh and add a little levity—and poignancy—to your workday. Intended to amuse, inspire, and reveal the simple truths that surround us, these illustrations are ideal for: Staff training days Conference presentations Classroom lectures Community meetings Internal communications …and they will continue reminding us that we can laugh at almost anything!...

Словарь по образованию и педагогике

В. М. Полонский

  Словарь по образованию и педагогике  В. М. Полонский  Высшая школа.   Словарь содержит более 2500 словарных статей по образованию и педагогике, дидактике, теории воспитания, методологии, научно-педагогической информации, школоведению, коррекционной педагогике и другим областям, термины и словосочетания, раскрывающие важнейшие положения Закона Российской Федерации Высшая школа. Словарь содержит более 2500 словарных статей по образованию и педагогике, дидактике, теории воспитания, методологии, научно-педагогической информации, школоведению, коррекционной педагогике и другим областям, термины и словосочетания, раскрывающие важнейшие положения Закона Российской Федерации "Об образовании", Концепцию модернизации российского образования в период до 2010 г. и соответствующих нормативных документов, номенклатуру учреждений и организаций, имеющих отношение к образованию, а также многочисленные ссылки на ресурсы Интернет. Подобного рода словарь фактически является наиболее полным и всесторонним источником информации в области образования и по смежным вопросам. Представляет, интерес для преподавателей и студентов вузов, учителей и воспитателей образовательных учреждений, а также администрации, занимающейся процедурами оформления статуса образовательного учреждения....

Karel++: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-Oriented Programming

Joseph Bergin, Mark Stehlik, Jim Roberts, Richard E. Pattis

  Karel++: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Object-Oriented Programming  Joseph Bergin, Mark Stehlik, Jim Roberts, Richard E. Pattis  This creative approach to learning C++ programming introduces readers to Karel the Robot and then shows them how to design programs that instruct Karel to perform complex tasks. Karel's world is essentially a practice field on which readers learn valuable lessons about creating and debugging program. The programs instruct the robot to move and manipulate its environment using object orientation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This creative approach to learning C++ programming introduces readers to Karel the Robot and then shows them how to design programs that instruct Karel to perform complex tasks. Karel's world is essentially a practice field on which readers learn valuable lessons about creating and debugging program. The programs instruct the robot to move and manipulate its environment using object orientation....

Multimedia BASICS

Suzanne Weixel, Fulton Weixel

  Multimedia BASICS  Suzanne Weixel, Fulton Weixel  This new text from our BASICS series provides comprehensive coverage of many multimedia topics including graphics, animation, video, presentations, desktop publishing, and web pages. An excellent foundation for any multimedia or website design curriculum.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This new text from our BASICS series provides comprehensive coverage of many multimedia topics including graphics, animation, video, presentations, desktop publishing, and web pages. An excellent foundation for any multimedia or website design curriculum....

Inside Internet Security: What Hackers Don't Want You To Know

Jeff Crume

  Inside Internet Security: What Hackers Don't Want You To Know  Jeff Crume  Hackers know things that you don't. That's their edge. It's the reason that they are able to break into networks, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. This book discusses some of the tricks of the hacker trade -- things that are well known in the hacker community but all too foreign to the I/T support staff. The intention is to dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions surrounding computer network security which lead to vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Techniques and tools for defending against such attacks are also discussed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hackers know things that you don't. That's their edge. It's the reason that they are able to break into networks, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. This book discusses some of the tricks of the hacker trade -- things that are well known in the hacker community but all too foreign to the I/T support staff. The intention is to dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions surrounding computer network security which lead to vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Techniques and tools for defending against such attacks are also discussed....

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The Lighter Side of Technology in Education. Aaron Bacall . Книги.

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