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The Marketing Imagination Theodore Levitt
Free Press. Since its publication in 1983, The Marketing Imagination has been widely praised as the classic, all-inclusive "Levitt on Marketing." Now Theodore Levitt - renowned as the Harvard Business School's "guru of marketing" - has newly expanded his original work to recap the developing globalization debate and to respond to his critics. He has also added his famed McKinsey Award-winning essay "Marketing Myopia," and included detailed accounts of how to maximize the product life cycle and achieve the delicate balance between innovation and imitation. As before, this new edition of The Marketing Imagination shows Levitt at his best - sharp, knowledgeable, erudite, and, yes, as imaginative as ever....
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Best Practices : The Model Employee Handbook for California Nonprofits (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit & Public Management Series) The Management Center, Leyna Bernstein, Leyna Bernstein
A Publication of The Management Center This is the first and only guide to creating personnel policies specifically tailored to the needs of nonprofit organizations in California. Best Practices is designed to help readers produce their own employee handbooks, update existing policies, and identify new and innovative ones. This step-by-step handbook features sample policies in a unique three-level approach. Each policy is presented in three versions to correspond to nonprofits of different sizes. Sample policies illustrate key issues such as Employment and Employee Development, Benefits, Financial Benefits, Unpaid Leaves of Absences, Other Time Off, Workplace Health and Safety, Work Hours and Pay, Work Practices and Work Environment, Information and Communication, Standards of Conduct, and Ending Employment. For each policy, readers can choose the language, form, and style best suited to their organization's needs, mission, and work culture. The book also comes with a 3.5......
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Advanced Quality Planning: A Commonsense Guide to Aqp and Apqp (Productivity's Shopfloor) D.H.,Ph.D Stamatis
This is the first book dedicated to explaining the total advanced quality planning process with clarity and detail, especially as it pertains to the "Big Three's" standardized approach. Advanced Quality Planning: A Commonsense Guide to AQP and APQPclarifies and itemizes the requirements of Chrysler, GM, and Ford, as well as the majority of the Tier I suppliers. It provides a list of exactly what they would like to see implemented in their supplier's processes, enhancing the ability to develop and produce products and systems that will satisfy their customers. The book also provides a detailed look at the basic and higher advanced quality planning concepts in a practical and easy-to-understand format so that both the novice and experienced user will be able to apply AQP appropriately and effectively. The author, D.H. Stamatis, takes you step-by-step through the advanced quality planning methodology providing you with an overview and discussion of the role of teams in AQP,......
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CIM Coursebook 02/03: Effective Management for Marketing
Butterworth-Heinemann's 2002-2003 CIM Coursebook series offers you the complete package for exam success. Comprising the fully updated coursebook texts and free online access to the MarketingOnline learning interface, it offers everything you need to keep you on course! THE COURSEBOOK: * CIM approved content for this year's course * Approved by the CIM Chief Examiner * Updated material and cases to keep you up to speed with the latest developments * New section on knowledge management Carefully structured to link information directly to the CIM syllabus, each coursebook text is crammed with a range of cases, questions, activities, definitions and study tips to support and test your understanding of the theory. Each coursebook includes access to MARKETINGONLINE, where you can: * Annotate, customise and create personally tailored notes using the electronic version of the coursebook * Receive regular tutorials on key topics *......
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Global E-Commerce and Online Marketing: Watching the Evolution Nikhilesh Dholakia, Wolfgang Fritz, Ruby Roy Dholakia, Norbert Mundorf
Specialists from business and academia present a meticulously researched, compelling examination of the effect that globalization, innovation, and relentless technological competition are having on the development of e-commerce and marketing. The editorsoffer practical managerial insights, important empirical findings, and new ways to comprehend the intricacies of the fast-morphing world of electronic business. The book's global perspective and cross disciplinary orientation will give marketing executives and their top level colleagues the framework they need to help their companies prosper....
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На главную
The Marketing Imagination. Theodore Levitt . Книги.
Жуковский, Рыбинск, Химки, Абакан, Глазов, Великие Луки, Орехово-Зуево, Чебоксары, Саратов, Стерлитамак, Иваново, Дербент, Киселёвск, Тула, Пятигорск, Люберцы, Владимир, Сыктывкар, Москв, Чита, Вологда,
Исторические драмы| Обучающие программы для детей| Криминальные детективы| Страшилки и ужастики| Микроэкономика| Домоводство. Рукоделие| Программы Discovery| Фантастические триллеры| Новая история (XVII вв. -1917 гг.)| Сборники, игровые энциклопедии, модификации (MOD)| Двадцатый век| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Музыкальные инструменты| Химия| Познавательная литература| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы|
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