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Coordinating Public Debt and Monetary Management: Institutional and Operational Arrangements V. Sundararajan, Peter Dattels, H. J. Blommestein
This volume outlines strategies for managing public debt, developing government securities markets, and coordinating those activities with monetary management through legal, administrative, and operational arrangements. Both transition and market economies are surveyed. The analysis draws partly on the literature on the microstructure of markets and auction systems and on selected country experiences....
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Countdown to Reform: The Greater Social Security Debate Henry J. Aaron, Robert D. Reischauer
In this revised and updated edition of their influential book, two of the nation's most widely respected economists argue that calls for scrapping Social Security in favor of a privatized plan are misguided and that the claims that the system faces bankruptcy are not only exaggerated, they are just plain wrong. The authors analyze the economic assumptions underlying current reform efforts, closely scrutinizing proposals to reform Social Security. They also provide the historical background of the economic circumstances that different generations have faced and show how changes in Social Security have affected life in America....
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Strategic Environmental Management : Using TQEM and ISO 14000 for Competitive Advantage (Wiley Series in Environmental Quality Management) Grace Wever
This book for environmental managers applies the techniques of total management to environmental management: TQEM. It provides the practical tools for successfully implementing TQEM, measuring results, assessing and improving a program, and benchmarking progress. It also provides guidance on integrating ISO 14000 compliance into existing environmental management systems. Contains a matrix based on the Baldridge Quality Award categories for implementing TQEM and an example of a model company that illustrates how to apply the matrix....
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The Murphy-Kirk-Beresford Correspondence, 1982-1996
This volume faithfully reproduces the public correspondence between Mr. Thomas A. Murphy, former Board Chairman of General Motors Corporation, and two accounting leaders, during the latter two's term of service as Chair of the Financial Accounting Standards Board [FASB]. The volume provides evidence of Murphy's importance as a thoughtful and influential accounting theorist, whose ideas are shared in the context of the open standard setting process adopted by the FASB. The chronological sequence of these letters provides the reader with a sense of momentum around a variety of important technical topics from consolidations through stock compensation. It also addresses a variety of other matters such as the importance of the Board's role as an independent standard setting agency. Also included are references to materials supplied in support of the correspondence and speech materials which relate to points of discussion in the correspondence. This volume represents a......
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Financial Market Volatility and the Economy Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
During the 1980s, policymakers and financial market participants became increasingly concerned about the volatility of financial markets. Greater volatility in the stock, bond, and foreign exchange markets raised important public policy issues about thestability of financial markets and the impact of volatility on the economy. At the same time, savers, investors, and other participants in financial markets adopted more sophisticated ways of hedging risks caused by greater volatility. This collection of articles chosen from the pages of the Economic Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City documents the increase in market volatility and explores its impact on the economy and the behavior of financial market participants....
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Coordinating Public Debt and Monetary Management: Institutional and Operational Arrangements. V. Sundararajan, Peter Dattels, H. J. Blommestein . Книги.
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