A History of Modern Poetry, Volume II, Modernism and After

David Perkins

  A History of Modern Poetry, Volume II, Modernism and After  David Perkins  Book Description There have been many books on early modernist poetry, not so many on its various sequels, and still fewer on the currents and cross-currents of poetry since World War II. Until now there has been no single comprehensive history of British and American poetry throughout the half century from the mid-1920s to the recent past. This David Perkins is uniquely equipped to provide; only a critic as well informed as he in the whole range of twentieth-century poetry could offer a lucid, coherent, and structured account of so diverse a body of work. Perkins devotes major discussions to the later careers of the first Modernist poets, such as Eliot, Pound, Stevens, and Williams, and to their immediate followers in the United States, E. E. Cummings, Archibald MacLeish, and Hart Crane; to W. H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, and the period style of the 1930s; to the emergence of the New Criticism and of a poetry reflecting its tenets in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description There have been many books on early modernist poetry, not so many on its various sequels, and still fewer on the currents and cross-currents of poetry since World War II. Until now there has been no single comprehensive history of British and American poetry throughout the half century from the mid-1920s to the recent past. This David Perkins is uniquely equipped to provide; only a critic as well informed as he in the whole range of twentieth-century poetry could offer a lucid, coherent, and structured account of so diverse a body of work. Perkins devotes major discussions to the later careers of the first Modernist poets, such as Eliot, Pound, Stevens, and Williams, and to their immediate followers in the United States, E. E. Cummings, Archibald MacLeish, and Hart Crane; to W. H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, and the period style of the 1930s; to the emergence of the New Criticism and of a poetry reflecting its tenets in......

Probing Popular Culture: On and Off the Internet

Marshall William Fishwick

  Probing Popular Culture: On and Off the Internet  Marshall William Fishwick  Book DescriptionIn Probing Popular Culture: On and Off the Internet, one of the leading authorities in American and popular culture studies presents an eye-opening examination of the Information Age?s influence on what we do, how we live, and who weare. Dr. Marshall Fishwick, author of the textbooks Great Awakenings: Popular Religion and Popular Culture; Popular Culture: Cavespace to Cyberspace; and Popular Culture in a New Age focuses his penetrating gaze upon the impact of the icons and events that color the fabric of our lives. Peppered with quotes from influential figures ranging from Plato to P. T. Barnum, this book provides food for thought that will spark smart discussion about every aspect of popular culture?from Henry Ford to Y2K, theimpact on popular culture of the September 11 tragedy, and more. Probing Popular Culture examines our cultural icons, our fads, our hopes, and our fears-and ties them into the images we see everyday in the news and on the Web. Dr....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn Probing Popular Culture: On and Off the Internet, one of the leading authorities in American and popular culture studies presents an eye-opening examination of the Information Age?s influence on what we do, how we live, and who weare. Dr. Marshall Fishwick, author of the textbooks Great Awakenings: Popular Religion and Popular Culture; Popular Culture: Cavespace to Cyberspace; and Popular Culture in a New Age focuses his penetrating gaze upon the impact of the icons and events that color the fabric of our lives. Peppered with quotes from influential figures ranging from Plato to P. T. Barnum, this book provides food for thought that will spark smart discussion about every aspect of popular culture?from Henry Ford to Y2K, theimpact on popular culture of the September 11 tragedy, and more. Probing Popular Culture examines our cultural icons, our fads, our hopes, and our fears-and ties them into the images we see everyday in the news and on the Web. Dr.......

Made You Look

Diane Roberts

  Made You Look  Diane Roberts  Book DescriptionWhen his parents surprise Jason with a family vacation to California, he is totally excited. Not only will he get to fly, he’ll have a chance to try out for Masquerade Mania! That’s before he learns that they will be camping cross-country in a sardine can (at least that’s what the contraption looks like). Jason’s willing to do just about anything to get a chance to be on Mania. But isn’t wearing pink underwear, enduring the stares of fellow campers, and putting up with his pain-in-the-neck sister above and beyond the call of duty?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhen his parents surprise Jason with a family vacation to California, he is totally excited. Not only will he get to fly, he’ll have a chance to try out for Masquerade Mania! That’s before he learns that they will be camping cross-country in a sardine can (at least that’s what the contraption looks like). Jason’s willing to do just about anything to get a chance to be on Mania. But isn’t wearing pink underwear, enduring the stares of fellow campers, and putting up with his pain-in-the-neck sister above and beyond the call of duty?...

Hollywood Musicals Nominated for Best Picture

Frederick G. Vogel

  Hollywood Musicals Nominated for Best Picture  Frederick G. Vogel  Book DescriptionOnly one year after the presentation of the first Academy Awards on May 16, 1929, two musicals? The Broadway Melody and The Hollywood Revue ?joined the select group of five films nominated for Best Picture of the 1929?1930 season. The Broadway Melody won the award for Best Picture, and since then, 37 additional musicals have received Best Picture nominations. Of those, nine have won the award. This book covers all 39 Hollywood musicals nominated for Best Picture, including song-and-dance fests like 42nd Street and Top Hat; original film musicals like The Wizard of Oz; film versions of stage musicals like The Music Man and Fiddler on the Roof; and the all-animated Beauty and the Beast. It explains why each film was nominated and why the winners won, points out the influences (mostly from the stage) that guided the productions, and discusses these films? influences on succeeding films....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOnly one year after the presentation of the first Academy Awards on May 16, 1929, two musicals? The Broadway Melody and The Hollywood Revue ?joined the select group of five films nominated for Best Picture of the 1929?1930 season. The Broadway Melody won the award for Best Picture, and since then, 37 additional musicals have received Best Picture nominations. Of those, nine have won the award. This book covers all 39 Hollywood musicals nominated for Best Picture, including song-and-dance fests like 42nd Street and Top Hat; original film musicals like The Wizard of Oz; film versions of stage musicals like The Music Man and Fiddler on the Roof; and the all-animated Beauty and the Beast. It explains why each film was nominated and why the winners won, points out the influences (mostly from the stage) that guided the productions, and discusses these films? influences on succeeding films.......

The Death-Bound-Subject : Richard Wrights Archaeology of Death (Post-Contemporary Interventions)

Abdul R. JanMohamed

  The Death-Bound-Subject : Richard Wrights Archaeology of Death (Post-Contemporary Interventions)  Abdul R. JanMohamed  Book DescriptionDuring the 1940s, in response to the charge that his writing was filled with violence, Richard Wright replied that the manner came from the matter, that the ?relationship of the American Negro to the American scene [was] essentially violent,? and that he could deny neither the violence he had witnessed nor his own existence as a product of racial violence. Abdul R. JanMohamed provides extraordinary insight into Wright’s position in this, the first study to explain the fundamental ideological and political functions of the threat of lynching in Wright’s work and thought. JanMohamed argues that Wright’s oeuvre is a systematic and thorough investigation of what he calls the death-bound-subject, the subject who is formed from infancy onward by the imminent threat of death. He shows that with each successive work, Wright delved deeper into the question of how living under a constant menace of physical violence affected his protagonists and how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDuring the 1940s, in response to the charge that his writing was filled with violence, Richard Wright replied that the manner came from the matter, that the ?relationship of the American Negro to the American scene [was] essentially violent,? and that he could deny neither the violence he had witnessed nor his own existence as a product of racial violence. Abdul R. JanMohamed provides extraordinary insight into Wright’s position in this, the first study to explain the fundamental ideological and political functions of the threat of lynching in Wright’s work and thought. JanMohamed argues that Wright’s oeuvre is a systematic and thorough investigation of what he calls the death-bound-subject, the subject who is formed from infancy onward by the imminent threat of death. He shows that with each successive work, Wright delved deeper into the question of how living under a constant menace of physical violence affected his protagonists and how......

<<<  Entailment. Alan Ross Anderson, Nuel D. Belnap, J. Michael Dunn             Секреты хакеров. Безопасность сетей - готовые решения. Джоел ... >>>

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A History of Modern Poetry, Volume II, Modernism and After. David Perkins . Книги.

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