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Entailment Alan Ross Anderson, Nuel D. Belnap, J. Michael Dunn
Princeton University Press. In spite of a powerful tradition, more than two thousand years old, that in a valid argument the premises must be relevant to the conclusion, twentieth-century logicians neglected the concept of relevance until the publication of Volume I of this monumental work. Since that time relevance logic has achieved an important place in the field of philosophy: Volume II of Entailment brings to a conclusion a powerful and authoritative presentation of the subject by most of the top people working in the area. Originally the aim of Volume II was simply to cover certain topics not treated in the first volume-quantification, for example-or to extend the coverage of certain topics, such as semantics. However, because of the technical progress that has occurred since the publication of the first volume, Volume II now includes other material. The book contains the work of Alasdair Urquhart, who has shown that the principal sentential systems of relevance logic are undecidable, and of Kit Fine, who......
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Current Text, Volumes I General Standards & II Industry Standards Topical Index/Appendixes, Package (Accounting Standards Current Text) Financial Accounting Standards Board Fasb
Book DescriptionThe 2003 FASB Accounting Standards publications give accounting professionals and financial executives a complete source of the current authoritative accounting pronouncements issued by the FASB and its predecessors. ORIGINAL PRONOUNCEMENTS The 2003 Original Pronouncements contains the FASB and AICPA pronouncements in three Volumes: * Original Pronouncements: Volume I-FASB Statements 1-100 (0-471-23013-8) * Original Pronouncements: Volume II-FASB Statements 101-150(0-471-23013-8) * Original Pronouncements: Volume III-AICPA Pronouncements and FASB Interpretations, Concepts Statement, and Technical Bulletins (0-471-23013-8) Features * Paragraphs containing amended standards are shaded to alert the reader. * Status pages before each pronouncement identify sources of changes and other pronouncements affected by that pronouncement. Completely superseded pronouncements that may no longer be applied are omitted, and status pages......
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Accounting Principles, with PepsiCo Annual Report, Problem Solving Survival Guide, Volume II, Chapters 14-27 Jerry J. Weygandt
Book DescriptionAccounting Principles, Seventh Edition addresses the issues that our customers-- instructors and students-- have said are important. These include student success, student motivation, student problem-solving skills, student decision-making skills, and technology to assist learning and technology to assist teaching. Click on www.wiley.com/college/wkk for details on how we address each of these issues....
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Staged Properties in Early Modern English Drama Cyrille Boulay
Book DescriptionThis collection of essays explores the economic and dramatic implications of stage properties in early modern English drama. Written by a team of distinguished scholars, the essays explore the forms of production, circulation and exchangethat brought sacred garments, household furnishings, pawned objects and even false beards onto the stage....
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Esther Bubley: On Assignment Esther Bubley
Book Description This monograph is dedicated to the career of Esther Bubley, one of America’s leading photojournalists. Bubley’s mentor was Roy Stryker, for whom she worked at the Office of War Information in Washington, D.C., and at Standard Oil in New York City. Under Stryker, Bubley learned to document the spectacle of modern industry and the lives of ordinary people in a fast-changing world. From the early 1940s to the late 60s, she also freelanced for national magazines, producing forty photo-essays for Life, a dozen more for the Ladies’ Home Journal’s famous series, “How America Lives,” and numerous projects for non-profit organizations and major corporations alike. At a time when career options for women were limited, Bubley rose to the top of an overwhelmingly male-dominated field. The 5,000-word essay by photo historian Bonnie Yochelson explains the working life of a photojournalist during the pre-television era when picture......
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Entailment. Alan Ross Anderson, Nuel D. Belnap, J. Michael Dunn . Книги.
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