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Smart Questions : Learn to Ask the Right Questions for Powerful Results Gerald Nadler, William Chandon
Smart Questions offers an entirely new framework for creating solutions. Drawn from the authors' many years of research and field experience, the Smart Questions Approach reveals how the leading creators of solutions in almost every profession andwalk of life—including business, government, education, and even in families—think and approach their assignments. The author’s holistic thinking approach shows how to use three “foundation” questions—focusing on uniqueness, purposeful information, and systems—which must be explored for every problem. These three questions, an essential starting point for exploring problems, in turn lead to other key questions that will ultimately create effective solutions....
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Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age John Heider
Humanics Ltd Partners. The Tao of Leadership is an invaluable tool for anyone in a position of leadership. This book provides the most simple and clear advice on how to be the very best kind of leader: be faithful, trust the process, pay attention, and inspire others to become their own leaders. Heider's book is a blend of practical insight and profound wisdom, offering inspiration and advice. This book is used as a Management/Leadership training text by many Fortune 500 corporations, including IBM, Mitsubishi,and Prudential....
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Risk Management for Dentists Jack L. Mumme
George Washington's dentures were built of hippopotamus tusk, gold, elephant ivory, and human teeth, by John Greenwood. Though he was never pleased, George never sued John. Alas, that was 200 years ago. Today, 98% of the American public suffers from dental disease and 6,000,000 teeth are removed annually. Lots and lots of lawsuits just waiting to be filed! If Dr. N.L. Schafler can sell a $325, three-volume set of books (1040 pages in total) telling attorneys how to prepare dental malpractice cases, you deserve at least a shorter, definitive, step-by-step $49 book called RISK MANAGEMENT FOR DENTISTS that tells you (1) how to avoid being sued and (2) what to do if you are! Who better to write it than Jack Mumme, whose company over a 23-year period specialized in claim and risk management, handling 17,250+ medical and dental malpractice claims and representing 200 hospitals nationwide, plus 1100 emergency room physicians and 550 cosmetic surgeons and dentists, all......
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The Wireless Web Usability Handbook Mark Pearrow
Today a Web site is only as valuable as it is productive. Users need sites that are easy to use and helpful. The sites that are not, lose their visitors? interest quickly and can cost companies loyal customers. This is even more of an issue when users might be coming to a site via a wireless device. Not only do designers have to consider different platforms and browsers when designing sites, now they need to consider different devices and user agents for viewing with those devices. So how do you design a site that is effective on all these devices? You begin by knowing your users and understanding how and why your content is accessed. From there you can address the needs of your specific users and design accordingly. The goals of The Wireless Web Usability Handbook are threefold: provide designers with a new awareness of the ways that pervasive computing affects how humans interact; give designers an understanding of the problems and risks involved with this new generation of......
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Hardware/Software Co-Design: Principles and Practice Jorgen Staunstrup, Wayne Wolf
Introduction to Hardware-Software Co-Design presents a number of issues of fundamental importance for the design of integrated hardware software products such as embedded, communication, and multimedia systems. This book is a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of hardware/software co-design. Co-design is still a new field but one which has substantially matured over the past few years. This book, written by leading international experts, covers all the major topics including: + fundamental issues in co-design; + hardware/software co-synthesis algorithms; + prototyping and emulation; + target architectures; + compiler techniques; + specification and verification; + system-level specification. Special chapters describe in detail several leading-edge co-design systems including Cosyma, LYCOS, and Cosmos. Introduction to Hardware-Software Co-Design contains sufficient material for use by teachers and students in an advanced course of......
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Smart Questions : Learn to Ask the Right Questions for Powerful Results. Gerald Nadler, William Chandon . Книги.
Армавир, Южно-Сахалинск, Нальчик, Калининград, Оренбург, Чита, Пятигорск, Ростов-на-Дону, Киров, Самара, Кострома, Смоленск, Ярославль, Артём, Ростов-на-Дону, Сочи, Люберцы, Махачкала, Новочебоксарск, Казань, Северск, Таганрог, Оренбург,
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