The Financing of Small Business: A Comparative Study of Male and Female Business Owners (Routledge Studies in Small Business, 5)

Lauren Read

  The Financing of Small Business: A Comparative Study of Male and Female Business Owners (Routledge Studies in Small Business, 5)  Lauren Read  A detailed empirical study of how small business owners finance their enterprises, this volume compares the experiences of women with those of men.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A detailed empirical study of how small business owners finance their enterprises, this volume compares the experiences of women with those of men....

When Opposites Dance: Balancing the Manager and Leader Within

Roy G. Williams, Terrence E. Deal

  When Opposites Dance: Balancing the Manager and Leader Within  Roy G. Williams, Terrence E. Deal  Davies-Black Publishing.   Precision without passion. Rationality without spirituality. CEOs fall under the weight of such imbalance. And corporations crumble from being overmanaged and underled. With lessons from twelve notable public figures, When Opposites Dance captures the essence of what it takes to develop the mind-set demanded for success today: a manager-leader who can balance the coolness of analysis and the warmth of the heart.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Davies-Black Publishing. Precision without passion. Rationality without spirituality. CEOs fall under the weight of such imbalance. And corporations crumble from being overmanaged and underled. With lessons from twelve notable public figures, When Opposites Dance captures the essence of what it takes to develop the mind-set demanded for success today: a manager-leader who can balance the coolness of analysis and the warmth of the heart....

Sales Management Essentials

John W. Cebrowski

  Sales Management Essentials  John W. Cebrowski  Revenue growth is a hot item for execs everywhere. This how-to success guide details ten management and leadership essentials to drive the top line. The story format puts the essentials into action making it an easy, inspiring read.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Revenue growth is a hot item for execs everywhere. This how-to success guide details ten management and leadership essentials to drive the top line. The story format puts the essentials into action making it an easy, inspiring read....

Bluetooth End to End

Dee Bakker, Diane McMichael Gilster, Ron Gilster

  Bluetooth End to End  Dee Bakker, Diane McMichael Gilster, Ron Gilster  Bite into Bluetooth! Get the definitive guide featuring the end to end details about the hot wireless technology that makes universal wireless possibilities endless. Bluetooth End to End is a comprehensive look at the technology from the standpoint of the IT Professional. The book goes above and beyond a simple re-hashing of the specification to provide practical implementation information on Bluetooth technology application fundamentals, implementation, wireless networking, Bluetooth security considerations, chip technology and the required specifications for Bluetooth device development culled from networking professionals.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bite into Bluetooth! Get the definitive guide featuring the end to end details about the hot wireless technology that makes universal wireless possibilities endless. Bluetooth End to End is a comprehensive look at the technology from the standpoint of the IT Professional. The book goes above and beyond a simple re-hashing of the specification to provide practical implementation information on Bluetooth technology application fundamentals, implementation, wireless networking, Bluetooth security considerations, chip technology and the required specifications for Bluetooth device development culled from networking professionals....

Microsoft Introduction to TCP/IP Internetworking

Patrick J. Bush

  Microsoft Introduction to TCP/IP Internetworking  Patrick J. Bush  TCP/IP Internetworking is explained in a clear and concise format, detailing every skill needed to pass Microsoft's 70-059 exam for MCSE Certification. This book has hands-on instructions, with plenty of illustrations and screen captures. In addition to the exam objectives, the book contains extra information to get you up and going quickly. Information is explained in a step-by-step format, enabling a greater comprehension of technical material.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин TCP/IP Internetworking is explained in a clear and concise format, detailing every skill needed to pass Microsoft's 70-059 exam for MCSE Certification. This book has hands-on instructions, with plenty of illustrations and screen captures. In addition to the exam objectives, the book contains extra information to get you up and going quickly. Information is explained in a step-by-step format, enabling a greater comprehension of technical material....

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The Financing of Small Business: A Comparative Study of Male and Female Business Owners (Routledge Studies in Small Business, 5). Lauren Read . Книги.

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