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Вильгельм Левик. Избранные переводы. В двух томах. Том 1 Вильгельм Левик
Художественная литература. Москва. Вильгельм Левик. Избранные переводы. В двух томах. Том 1. Вильгельм Левик - известный советский поэт-переводчик, воссоздавший на русском языке многие шедевры мировой литературы. В первый том вошли переводы стихотворений и поэм немецких поэтов - от великого лирика средневековья Вальтера фон дер Фогельвейде до крупнейшего поэта XX века Иоганнеса Бехера; переводы сонетов Петрарки и стихотворений французских поэтов XVI - XX веков....
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Миссис Дэллоуэй. На маяк. Орландо. Волны. Флаш. Рассказы. Эссе Вирджиния Вулф
Пушкинская библиотека, АСТ. Золотой фонд мировой классики. Правда факта и правда видения, Миссис Дэллоуэй, На маяк, Орландо, Волны, Флаш, Дом с привидениями, Понедельник ли, вторник…, Ненаписанный роман, Струнный квартет, Королевский сад, Пятно на стене, Новое платье, Фазанья охота, Лапин и Лапина, Реальные предметы, Женщина в зеркале, Ювелир и герцогиня, Предки, Прожектор, Наследство, Вместе и порознь, Итог, Люби ближнего своего, "Джейн Эйр" и "Грозовой перевал", Джейн Остен, Сэр Вальтер Скотт, Монтень, Современная литература, Русская точка зрения, Мучительно тонкая душа, Заметки о Д. Г. Лоуренсе, Женские профессии, "Сентиментальное путешествие", Романы Тургенева, Примечания. В томе представлены лучшие произведения классика английской литературы Вирджинии Вулф....
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Participation and Empowerment in Organizations: Modeling, Effectiveness, and Applications (Advanced Opics in Organizational Behavior) Abraham Sagie, Meni Koslowsky
This book takes a crtitical look at employee participation in organizational decision making. It is the first book to do this by integrating into one source the various facts, theories, and applications concerning participation and empowerment in organizational settings. Through the extensive use of graphs and tables, the book traces the origins of worker participation in management and decision making, examines the repertoire of empowerment and participatory techniques as applied throughout the world, and assesses, by means of empirical evidence, which technique works best....
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Deepening Integration in the Pacific Economies: Corporate Alliances, Contestable Markets, and Free Trade (Elgar Reference Collection) Alan M. Rugman, Gavin Boyd
The Pacific is a high growth region, comprising East Asian market economy states, North America, China, Australia and New Zealand. This book examines the area's rapidly expanding pattern of corporate competition and cooperation, which is assisting recoveries from the effects of the East Asian financial crises. The authors argue that the uneven but dynamic integration in the Pacific region which was disrupted by the financial crises is continuing in ways that promise resumptions of higher interdependent growth when fundamental adjustments have been completed. They emphasize that the regional recovery could be assisted by innovative new efforts to promote wider ranging cooperation in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), which is committed to regional trade and investment liberalization over the next decade....
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When City and Country Collide: Managing Growth in the Metropolitan Fringe Thomas L. Daniels, Tom Daniels
Strips of urban and suburban "fabric" have extended into the countryside, creating a ragged settlement pattern that blurs the distinction between rural, urban, and suburban. As traditional rural industries like farming, forestry, and mining rapidly give way to residential and commercial development, the land at the edges of developed areas-the rural-urban fringe-is becoming the middle landscape between city and countryside that the suburbs once were. When City and Country Collide examines the fringephenomenon and presents a workable approach to fostering more compact development and better, more sustainable communities in those areas. It provides viable alternatives to traditional land use and development practices, and offers a solid framework andrational perspective for wider adoption of growth management techniques. The author: reviews growth management techniques and obstacles to growth management examines the impact of federal spending programs and regulations......
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Вильгельм Левик. Избранные переводы. В двух томах. Том 1. Вильгельм Левик . Книги.
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