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A Butler's Life: Scenes from the Other Side of the Silver Salver Kimberly Allen
Part memoir, part how-to, A Butler's Life -- the account of Christopher Allen’s real-life duties Behind The Silver Salver -- offers a contemporary peek into this fascinating, yet demanding profession. Those for whom the mental picture of a British butler is the impeccable Jeeves or Remains of the Day’s prim Mr. Stevens will find Christopher Allen a surprise and a delight. The engaging Englishman, while no less a paragon of service than his literary peers, is charmingly human in his ongoing endeavor to master a profession whose most perfect representative is invisible. And, for those whose homes might not be staffed with live-in servants but who would enjoy benefiting from their expertise, nearly two dozen sidebars reveal tips of the trade--everything from hints for seamless entertaining to advice on household management. Far from a relic of a past era, Christopher Allen demonstrates that being a butler -- in villas on the Cote d’Azur and in......
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Create Your Own Future: How to Master the 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success Brian Tracy
Wiley. Create Your Own Future is a powerful self-empowerment book full of ideas that readers can apply immediately to take complete control of their personal and work lives. The book is geared toward professionals who want to make more money and get more satisfaction from their careers without giving up their personal lives. Based on the author's tested model of controlled luck, each of the twelve chapters describes a principle of success with an action plan on how to reach those goals. Author Brian Tracy is one of the most renowned and successful self-help authors and speakers in the world and this book presents all his accumulated experience in making success happen for others....
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A Civil Economy: Transforming the Marketplace in the Twenty-First Century (Evolving Values for a Capitalist World) Severyn T. Bruyn
A civil society is one in which a democratic government and a market economy operate together. The idea of the civil economy--encompassing a democratic government and a market economy--presumes that people can solve social problems within the marketitself. This book explores the relationship between the two, examining the civil underpinnings of capitalism and investigating the way a civil economy evolves in history and is developed for the future by careful planning. Severyn T. Bruyn describes how people in three sectors--government, business, and the Third Sector (nonprofits and civil groups)--can develop an accountable, self-regulating, profitable, humane, and competitive system of markets that could be described as a civil economy.He examines how government officials can organize markets to reduce government costs; how local leaders deal with global corporations that would unfairly exploit their community resources; and how employees can become coparticipants in......
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Team Problem-Solving (Fifty-Minute) Sandy Pokras, Michael Crisp, Ralph Mapson
A practical approach to problem-solving and decision-making in business. Revised edition....
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Jobs: Preparing a Workforce for the 21st Century (National Issues Forums) Public Agenda
This illustrated issue guide is a concise, clear guide that will allow all parents, students, teachers and interested citizens to consider the challenges of preparing a workforce for the 21st century and what can be done to address the issue. Written by award-winning journalist Michael deCourcey Hinds, this issue guide is part of a series of National Issues Forums guides which cover such topics as suburban sprawl, public school reform, the environment, illegal drugs, the economy and youth violence. They are stuctured in a way to give concerned citizens an unbiased, easily understandable but in-depth,introduction to an issue and explain the different and sometimes competing solutions that exist. The guides are nonpartisan and do not advocate a particular solution to any public issue, and are an excellent educational tool....
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A Butler's Life: Scenes from the Other Side of the Silver Salver. Kimberly Allen . Книги.
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