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12 стульев (аудиокнига MP3) И. Ильф, Е. Петров
Союз. Роман "Двенадцать стульев" И. Ильфа и Е.Петрова даже сейчас, через 75 лет после первого его издания, украшает список бестселлеров русской литературы. Мы знаем, что если какое-то издательство хочет поправить свои дела, то оно немедленно выпускает роман Ильфа и Петрова большим тиражом. Первый роман двух молодых авторов, написанный в 1927 году, стал, пожалуй, самым смешным произведением русской литературы. Более того, вся книга уже давно растаскана на афоризмы, фразы, словечки, которые вошли в современный русский язык, а отдельные сюжетные куски и образы романа применяют (как Ляпис - Трубецкой историю о бессмертном Гавриле) к самым разнообразным ситуациям советской и постсоветской эпохи....
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New Insights on Covered Call Writing: The Powerful Technique That Enhances Return and Lowers Risk in Stock Investing Richard Lehman, Lawrence G. McMillan
For good reason, investors feel whiplashed by the markets of the past few years and are looking for sensible ways to bridge the gap between the consistency of fixed-return instruments and the upside potential of equities. New Insights on Covered Call Writing presents an investment approach that, though it has been used by some traders for thirty years, is largely unknown or misunderstood by active investors and traders. This book shows how to use this powerful investment technique for success in today's and tomorrow's markets. Most of the many professional books on options devote no more than a cursory chapter to covered calls. This book gives a complete guide to the increased control and lowered risk this technique offers active investorsand traders, and will take writing covered calls from under the general umbrella of options and make it accessible to a broader range of the investing public....
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Ask the Expert: Guide to Microsoft Money 2001 Stephen L. Nelson, David B. Maguiness
Redmond Technology Press. PRACTICAL ANSWERS FROM EXPERTS Microsoft Money 2001 may be simple enough to use if all you want to do is keep a checkbook. But if you want to do more, things quickly become complicated. And that's when the "Ask the Expert Guide to Microsoft Money 2001" helps. Written by true experts, the "Ask the Expert Guide to Microsoft Money 2001" provides easy-to-understand but expert help for people who want to use Money to better manage their financial affairs, more prudently manage their investments, and even more easily run a small business. Arranged in a question-and-answer format, the book supplies practical answers to all of the most common questions about Microsoft Money....
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Mastering Financial Management (Palgrave Master Series) John Whiteley
Offering a unique blend of academic rigour and practical insights this book uses examples and illustrations drawn from a wide range of real-life situations. It teases out meaning from company accounts, makes your financial reports interesting and influential, manages budgets and motivates people to achieve targets, and much more. Ideal as a text for all students requiring an introduction to financial management....
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Reinventing Rationality: The Role of Regulatory Analysis in the Federal Bureaucracy Thomas O. McGarity
In this book, Professor McGarity reveals the complex and problematic relationship between the "regulatory reform" movements initiated in the early l970s and the United States' federal bureaucracy. Examining both the theory and application of "regulatoryreform" under the Reagan administration, the author succeeds in offering both a relevant analysis and critique of "regulatory reform" and its implementation through bureaucratic channels. Using several case studies from the early Reagan years, this book describes the clash of regulatory cultures resulting from the President's attempt to incorporate "regulatory analysis" into the bureaucratic decisionmaking process. McGarity examines the roles that regulatory analysts and their counterparts in the Office of Management and Budget play in decisionmaking by offering hundreds of interviews with scientists, engineers, regulatory analysts and upper level personnel in federal agencies. The author then critiques the reformers' claim that......
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12 стульев (аудиокнига MP3). И. Ильф, Е. Петров . Книги.
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