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Sales and Marketing Checklists for Profit-Driven Home Builders Jan Mitchell
The updated edition of this popular book cover the major steps involved in successful new home sales. Learn the ins and outs of the comprehensive contract, the move-in, warranty service, asking for referrals, and a great close. This expanded second edition includes a new chapter on utilizing technology in your marketing and a more extensive chapter on mulitcultural sales....
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Creating Successful Learning Enironments for African-American Learners With Exceptionalities Festus E. Obiakor, Bridgie Alexis Ford
In this groundbreaking book, more than 25 leading scholars and practitioners provide concrete solutions for maximizing African American students? achievement....
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InDesign for QuarkXPress Users David Blatner, Christopher Smith, Steve Werner
Peachpit Press. While QuarkXPress is the most-widely used page-layout program in the world, Adobe InDesign is rapidly gaining ground with better typography and transparency features, speedier performance, and more overall control.Plus, InDesign 2 is Mac OS X native, QuarkXPress 5 isn't. But if you're a QuarkXPress user thinking of making the switch to InDesign, you know you can't afford to lose time and productivity at the office while learning a new program. Thanks to InDesign for QuarkXPress Users, you don't have to. InDesign for QuarkXPress Users is the only book on the market that shows experienced graphic designers how to use InDesign from a QuarkXPress user's perspective. Using an easy-to-read and easy-to-digest style, this unique title focuses on common tasks, giving you quick solutions rather than bogging you down with lengthy theory. Written by well-known experts in the field, the book is abundantly illustrated and covers topics such......
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300 MORE Incredible Things to Do on the Internet -- Vol. II Ken Leebow
MORE Incredible things for you in Vol. II . . . This sequel to our bestselling 300 Incredible Things to Do on the Internet (Volume I) has been published due to the continued remarkable growth of the Internet. Now you can double your surfing pleasure by exploring the second wave of incredible Web sites described in this Volume II. And if you have not had the pleasure of using Volume I or the other books in the 300 Incredible series, by all means check them out. Many readers call these books "the disappearing book." Typically, someone buys the book and shows it to a friend, co-worker or family member, who then "borrows" it for an indefinite period. Just like that, it's gone. Go ahead, buy this book for yourself or a friend, then gather everyone around the computer and let your incredible journey begin. You might want to get an extra copy...so you'll still have one after the first one vanishes....
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From Animals to Animats 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (Complex Adaptive Systems) Jean-Arcady Meyer, Alain Berthoz, Dario Floreano, Herbert L. Roitblat, Stewart W. Wilson
The Animals to Animats Conference brings together researchers from ethology, psychology, ecology, artificial intelligence, artificial life, robotics, engineering, and related fields to further understanding of the behaviors and underlying mechanisms thatallow natural and synthetic agents (animats) to adapt and survive in uncertain environments. The work presented focuses on well-defined models--robotic, computer-simulation, and mathematical--that help to characterize and compare various organizational principles or architectures underlying adaptive behavior in both natural animals and animats....
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Sales and Marketing Checklists for Profit-Driven Home Builders. Jan Mitchell . Книги.
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