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Art and Thought (New Interventions in Art History)
Book DescriptionArt and Thought is a collection of newly commissioned essays that explores the relationship between the discipline of art history and important movements in the history of western thought. Contributors from both sides of the Atlantic consider the impact of the writings of key thinkers, including Aristotle, Kant, and Heidegger, on the way in which objects are perceived and understood and histories of art are constructed, deconstructed, and reconfigured according to varying sets of philosophical frameworks. Engaging and provocative, Art and Thought presents an incisive analysis of the intellectual preoccupations that inform the complex narrative of our visual culture, and introduces the reader to the dynamic interface between philosophical reflections and art practices....
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Designer Profile 2004/2005 Designers Present Themselves 2-volume-set Princeton Architectural Press
Book DescriptionDesigner Profile ist seit 1998 das zweisprachige Standardwerk der Design-Szene in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz. Alle zwei Jahre prasentieren Designer aus den Bereichen Industrie, Messe und Ausstellungen, Grafik und Multimedia ihre Arbeitsideen und Erfolge. Das Buch ist ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk fur Entscheider im Management sowie fur Agenturen, die sich schnell und zielgerichtet uber das Leistungsspektrum potentieller Design-Dienstleister informieren mochten....
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The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Tartan Iain Zaczek
Lorenz Books. A comprehensive, encyclopedia guide to more than 400 designs that are interwoven with Scottish history....
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Gr(o)und: Workshop 2002
Book DescriptionThe site and subject of the workshop was Lower Manhattan in New York City. The underlying theme combined “ground” and the German word “Grund” referring to the foundation of ideas that give a rational structure to urban activity. Over an intensive twelve-day period, the workshop explored the nature of the “Gr(o)und” consisting of pavements, sidewalks, streets, plazas and other street furniture regulating the flow of the street. The workshop designed and constructed new tectonic elements with the aim of making changes in the “Gr(o)und” for a particular, brief period of time. The installation of these new elements in Lower Manhattan on a hot, busy day in mid-August is documented and analysed inthis latest addition to the RIEAeuropa concepts series....
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Simple Passion Annie Ernaux
Book DescriptionIn the spare, elegant style that has won her international acclaim, Annie Ernaux writes of losing oneself in love then losing love itself in this, her standout work. Blurring the line between fact and fiction, an unnamed narrator plots the emotional and physical course of her all-consuming affair with a married man, providing a glimpse of the true meaning of passion. Featured in this impressive work from one of France's most important contemporary literary voices is a reading group guide as well as an original author interview....
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Art and Thought (New Interventions in Art History). . Книги.
Новомосковск, Казань, Электросталь, Рязань, Нижнекамск, Новокузнецк, Екатеринбург, Саранск, Королёв, Серпухов, Элиста, Жуковский, Копейск,
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