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Population Issues in Social Choice Theory, Welfare Economics, and Ethics (Econometric Society Monographs) Charles Blackorby
Book DescriptionExploring how different ideas of the common good may be compared, contrasted and ranked....
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Changing Capitalisms?: Internationalization, Institutional Change, and Systems of Economic Organization
Book DescriptionAn increasing number of studies in the last decade or so have emphasized the viability and persistence of distinctive systems of economic coordination and control in developed market economies. Over more or less the same period, the revival of institutional economics and evolutionary approaches to understanding the firm has focused attention on how firms create distinctive capabilities through establishing routines that coordinate complementary activities and skills for particular strategic purposes. For much of the 1990s these two strands of research remained distinct. Those focusing on the institutional frameworks of market economies were primarily concerned with identifying complementaries between institutional arrangements that explained coherence and continuity. On the other hand, those focusing on the dynamics of firm behavior studied how firms develop new capacities and are able to learn new ways of doing things. This book aims to bring together these......
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Development and the Learning Organisation (Development in Practice Readers Series)
Book Description Based on a special issue of Development in Practice, volume 12, issue 3/4, published in August 2002. Presents contributions from development scholars and practitioners from a range of institutional backgrounds from around the world. Includes an introductory essay, an annotated resource list of recent publications, and relevant journals....
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Creating an Environment for Successful Projects, 2nd Edition Robert J. Graham
Amazon.comManagement consultants Robert Graham and Randall Englund believe that the development and launch of successful new products and services hinges on the formation of a thoroughly integrated, "project-based" organization. In Creating an Environment for Successful Projects: The Quest to Manage Project Management , they use the experiences of Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, General Electric, United Airlines, and other notable firms to show what they mean. They also demonstrate how upper managers can cultivate such an atmosphere in their own enterprises and avoid the failures that otherwise threaten their corporate survival.Book DescriptionSince it was first published in 1997, Creating an Environment for Successful Projects has become a landmark work that shows how to develop project management as an organizational practice. This second edition offers solid, results-oriented advice on how upper management can create an environment that supports the success of special......
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Head, Heart, & Hips
Book DescriptionBest known for their bold and spirited design sense, Big Active have built a formidable international reputation in the areas of music and editorial graphics. Believers in the seductive spirit of collaboration, the London-based studio is associated with a number of influential illustrators and photographers. The creative synergy of these image-makers with the core design team is an essential part of Big Active?s aesthetic and way of working. Playing with a theme of seduction andpleasure, this book explores the sexier fantasies of commercial art and its application. It presents current artwork and commercial projects that demand to be appreciated by the head, heart AND hips. Although it also features some classic images, the volume primarily contains specially commissioned new work by Big Active and their associated collaborators. Head, Heart and Hips offers an alluring and colorful landscape of ideas, styles and applications. It includes sections by......
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На главную
Population Issues in Social Choice Theory, Welfare Economics, and Ethics (Econometric Society Monographs). Charles Blackorby . Книги.
Киселёвск, Рыбинск, Ульяновск, Тамбов, Стерлитамак, Дербент,
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