Redesigning Web Sites: Retooling for Changing Needs of Business (Graphic Design)

Stefan Mumaw

  Redesigning Web Sites: Retooling for Changing Needs of Business (Graphic Design)  Stefan Mumaw  In the first wave of e-commerce, the challenge for designers was to create new Web sites for clients. Now that challenge has changed. To meet the shifting demands of the digital marketspace, companies are asking designers to help them upgrade or revamp their existing sites?an entirely different and often much more difficult proposition. Redesigning Web Sites is a timely and tactical book that no Web designer should be without. Featuring in-depth case studies of 22 Web sites that have been recently redesigned, the book uses an instructive In the first wave of e-commerce, the challenge for designers was to create new Web sites for clients. Now that challenge has changed. To meet the shifting demands of the digital marketspace, companies are asking designers to help them upgrade or revamp their existing sites?an entirely different and often much more difficult proposition. Redesigning Web Sites is a timely and tactical book that no Web designer should be without. Featuring in-depth case studies of 22 Web sites that have been recently redesigned, the book uses an instructive "before and after" model to reveal the purpose of the original site, the reasons it was no longer effective, and the specific ways each designer solved those problems through redesign. Screenshots illustrate the old and new designs for each site, and useful sidebars address more general themes: determining how drastic a redesign should be, orchestrating a site redesign following a merger, and changing the central purpose of a site......

Basic Home Networking

Roderico DeLeon

  Basic Home Networking  Roderico DeLeon  Discover how easy it is to design, install, manage and troubleshoot your own home network! Ideal for do-it-yourselfers, Basic Home Networking contains all of the information today's homeowners and homebuilders need to create a cost-effective internal network that allows all of the computer users in any given residence to share files, printers, hard drives, backup hardware, Internet access, and more! The book begins by acquainting readers with different ways of building a home network, as well as the variety of networking hardware and cabling options available today for existing homes and new home construction projects. Subsequent chapters provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for configuring Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems, using firewalls and other means of network security, and testing and troubleshooting using standard tools included with Windows or available as freeware for Macintosh computer users. Clear and concise explanations of network basics,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Discover how easy it is to design, install, manage and troubleshoot your own home network! Ideal for do-it-yourselfers, Basic Home Networking contains all of the information today's homeowners and homebuilders need to create a cost-effective internal network that allows all of the computer users in any given residence to share files, printers, hard drives, backup hardware, Internet access, and more! The book begins by acquainting readers with different ways of building a home network, as well as the variety of networking hardware and cabling options available today for existing homes and new home construction projects. Subsequent chapters provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for configuring Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems, using firewalls and other means of network security, and testing and troubleshooting using standard tools included with Windows or available as freeware for Macintosh computer users. Clear and concise explanations of network basics,......

French Wide Web

Anne-Christine Rice

  French Wide Web  Anne-Christine Rice  A convenient source of web sites on a wide range of French topics__cultural, literary, travel, commercial and many others. Includes sites of interest throughout the Francophone world. Excellent source for student research, as well as the general traveller. Etudiants! Professeurs! Voyageurs! Un expose sur le camembert?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A convenient source of web sites on a wide range of French topics__cultural, literary, travel, commercial and many others. Includes sites of interest throughout the Francophone world. Excellent source for student research, as well as the general traveller. Etudiants! Professeurs! Voyageurs! Un expose sur le camembert?...

Coordinating the Internet

Brian Kahin, James H. Keller

  Coordinating the Internet  Brian Kahin, James H. Keller  For years, the world saw the Internet as a creature of the U.S. Department of Defense. Now some claim that the Internet is a self-governing organism controlled by no one and needing no oversight. Although the National Science Foundation and other government agencies continue to support and oversee critical administrative and coordinating functions, the Internet is remarkably decentralized and uninstitutionalized. As it grows in scope, bandwidth, and functionality, the Internet will require greater coordination, but it is not yet clear what kind of coordinating mechanisms will evolve. The essays in this volume clarify these issues and suggest possible models for governing the Internet. The topics addressed range from settlements and statistics collection to the sprawling problem of domain names, which affects the commercial interests of millions of companies around the world. One recurrent theme is the inseparability of technical and policy issues in any discussion involving the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For years, the world saw the Internet as a creature of the U.S. Department of Defense. Now some claim that the Internet is a self-governing organism controlled by no one and needing no oversight. Although the National Science Foundation and other government agencies continue to support and oversee critical administrative and coordinating functions, the Internet is remarkably decentralized and uninstitutionalized. As it grows in scope, bandwidth, and functionality, the Internet will require greater coordination, but it is not yet clear what kind of coordinating mechanisms will evolve. The essays in this volume clarify these issues and suggest possible models for governing the Internet. The topics addressed range from settlements and statistics collection to the sprawling problem of domain names, which affects the commercial interests of millions of companies around the world. One recurrent theme is the inseparability of technical and policy issues in any discussion involving the......

Nearsightedness - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Refer

  Nearsightedness - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Refer  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

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Redesigning Web Sites: Retooling for Changing Needs of Business (Graphic Design). Stefan Mumaw . Книги.

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