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Celebrate Marketing: Secrets of Success Rick Crandall
Eleven experts give you specific techniques to get new business and take better care of your current customers....
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AuctionWatch.com's Official Guide to Online Buying and Selling Dennis L. Prince, Dennis Price
Upon its initial launch in July 1998, AuctionWatch.com established itself as the auction-goers advocate, taking an impartial, in-depth, and occasionally hard-edged approach to the issues and events of the online auction arena. In this book, AuctionWatch.com and Dennis Prince, a regular contributor to AuctionWatch.com, provide you with tips and tactics that you can reference easily and apply without delay before, during, and after an auction. Each chapter of the book features a general introduction to thespecific topic at hand and then proceeds to serve up a generous and appropriate number of easy-to-use tips laid out in a logical, linear progression. The Official AuctionWatch.com Tips and Techniques Guide will be of greatest immediate use to the seasoned auction-goer. Although it caters to online auction buyers, it also focuses on tips and tactics for medium and high volume sellers. It is presented in an easy-to-use, immediately applicable format that promotes more efficient and......
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Franchise Bible (Franchise Bible) Erwin J. Keup
Entrepreneur Press. How To Buy A Franchise Or Franchise Your Own Business Are you thinking of buying a franchise or franchising your own business? This indispensable guide tells you how to do it-and save time and money in the process. Franchise expert Erwin Keup shares 35 years of franchise experience to reveal what to expect and how to avoid costly mistakes. With the Franchise Bible , you learn to: Determine if owning a franchise is right for you Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of franchising Understand the legal terms and documents associated with franchising Navigate the offering circular and what items it should contain Decide whether you should buy a franchise or start your own Select the best methods for expanding your existing business Determine the optimum time to franchise your business Includes these samples of actual franchise documents: Offering Circular Franchise Agreements Franchise Application Form Site Evaluation Form Operational Manual Outline Plus, this guide is packed with......
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Agency, Associations, Employment and Partnerships: Cases, Statutes and Analysis (UNIVERSITY CASEBOOK SERIES) Alfred F. Conrad, Robert L. Knauss, Stanley Siegel
Provides detailed information on agency-partnerships. The casebook provides the tools for fast, easy, learning. A part of the University Casebook Series®, it includes selected cases designed to illustrate the development of a body of law on a particular subject. The cases are accompanied by text and explanatory materials, designed for law study....
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Геодезия (для реставраторов) Н. В. Усова
Архитектура-С. Реставрация. В учебнике, написанном в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта, приводится описание геодезических работ, сопутствующих реставрации и реконструкции памятников архитектуры. Излагается методика выполнения геодезических и фотограмметрических обмеров, дается описание новейших геодезических приборов и перспективных методов обработки снимков архитектурных объектов. Для студентов и бакалавров высших учебных заведений....
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На главную
Celebrate Marketing: Secrets of Success. Rick Crandall . Книги.
Чебоксары, Владивосток, Вологда, Курган, Люберцы, Ульяновск, Москв, Каменск-Уральский, Новошахтинск, Северодвинск, Иваново, Липецк, Альметьевск, Пенза, Новокузнецк, Новосибирск, Коломна, Челябинск, Рыбинск, Воронеж, НижнийНовгород, Волгодонск, Прокопьевск, Одинцово, Дербент, Новочеркасск, Электросталь, Ижевск, Таганрог, Мытищи,
Право. Юридические науки| Телевизионные комедии| Индийские детективы| Афоризмы, цитаты, притчи| Искусствоведение. История искусств| Папанов Анатолий Дмитриевич| Зарубежная фантастика| Рок-н-ролл| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Филологические науки| Иронический детектив| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Бухучет. Общие вопросы| Энциклопедии, справочники| Паззлы, головоломки, кроссворды| Суд. Адвокатура. Правоохранительные органы| Средний и малый бизнес| Автомотоспорт| Банковское дело| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Музыка на DVD| Антикварные книги XVII века| Криминалистика|
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