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The Rural-Urban Divide: Economic Disparities and Interactions in China (Studies on Contemporary China) John Knight, Lina Song
This book describes and explains the remarkably large rural-urban divide in economic well-being that exists in China, tracing the root causes, present effects, and future implications for the increasingly marketized Chinese economy. It uses the rigorous analysis and empirical methodology of modern economics....
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Management and Organizational Behavior Classics Michael T Matteson, John M Ivancevich
The authors focus on presenting the reader with outstanding contributions to the management and organizational behavior literature. The readings include works of recognized, respected, and pioneer scholars in the field while also broadening the understanding of management and organizational behavior topics found in textbooks. The readings also incorporate theorists from the economics, sociology, statistics, mathematics, engineering, and psychology disciplines to reflect the complex and dynamic field ofmanagement and organizational behavior....
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Data Management : Databases and Organizations Richard T. Watson
Now in a completely updated and revised Fourth Edition, this highly readable book emphasizes the core data management skills needed to succeed in today's business environment. The book presents a real-world, management perspective and offers fully integrated coverage of data modeling and SQL. * New chapter on future directions, including u-commerce. * New material on data integration, data quality, and data schemas. * Includes reference sections on data modeling and SQL. * Presents the "big picture" of data management....
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Russia's Virtual Economy Clifford G. Gaddy, Barry William Ickes
Clifford Gaddy's and Barry Ickes' paradigm of the "virtual economy" has fundamentally changed the way people think about Russia's economy. Circulated at the highest levels of the Russian and U.S. governments and reported in leading publications worldwide, their thesis?that Russia's economy is based on illusion or pretense about nearly every important economic yardstick, including prices, sales, wages and budgets?has forced broad recognition of the inadequacies of the intended market reform policies in Russia. More important, their work has provided a coherent framework for understanding how and why so much of Russia's economy has resisted reform. Gaddy and Ickes now use the virtual economy concept to project the near?and middle?term future of the Russian economy and suggest possible policy responses. Drawing on new empirical material from published and unpublished sources and from their own extensive field work in Russia, the authors examine critical aspects of......
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Marketing Channels: A Relationship Management Approach Lou E Pelton, David Strutton, James R Lumpkin
This is the first text to use the relationship marketing perspective in the channels course. The authors have created a Channels Relationship Model (CRM), which is the guiding framework of the book. This book is a combination of text, cases, and readings. It contains coverage of global and ethical issues. Careful attention is paid to the pacing of material throughout the semester....
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На главную
The Rural-Urban Divide: Economic Disparities and Interactions in China (Studies on Contemporary China). John Knight, Lina Song . Книги.
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