The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Michael D., M.D. Ozner

  The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease  Michael D., M.D. Ozner  Book DescriptionWake up, America! Low-carb diets are potentially danggerous and there are no long-term studies proving their safety or efficacy. The Mediterranean diet has been around for thousands of years. It is safe and clinically proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Moreover, the Mediterranean cuisine is delicious and the ingredients needed to prepare the recipes can be found in any grocery store. Isn't this the type of diet that you want for yourself and your family?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWake up, America! Low-carb diets are potentially danggerous and there are no long-term studies proving their safety or efficacy. The Mediterranean diet has been around for thousands of years. It is safe and clinically proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Moreover, the Mediterranean cuisine is delicious and the ingredients needed to prepare the recipes can be found in any grocery store. Isn't this the type of diet that you want for yourself and your family?...

Immortal Light: The Blissful Life and Wisdom of Swami Amar Jyoti

Swami Amar Jyoti

  Immortal Light: The Blissful Life and Wisdom of Swami Amar Jyoti  Swami Amar Jyoti  Book DescriptionBestowing rare glimpses of life among the yogis and sages of the Himalayas, the life story of Swami Amar Jyoti is revealed with power and candor. Taken entirely from His personal writings, spiritual discourses and intimate gatherings overfour decades, the biography of Swami Amar Jyoti unveils His path to Enlightenment through Yoga, Vedanta and ancient esoteric practices. In these candid communcations His voice, with all its beauty, wit, power, and charm comes through to the reader. He tells us, Book DescriptionBestowing rare glimpses of life among the yogis and sages of the Himalayas, the life story of Swami Amar Jyoti is revealed with power and candor. Taken entirely from His personal writings, spiritual discourses and intimate gatherings overfour decades, the biography of Swami Amar Jyoti unveils His path to Enlightenment through Yoga, Vedanta and ancient esoteric practices. In these candid communcations His voice, with all its beauty, wit, power, and charm comes through to the reader. He tells us, "The Prophets come to remind you of your true, sweet Home, your pristine image, your real Spirit and treasures: joy, freedom, wisdom, peace and Lordship."...

Drama and the Market in the Age of Shakespeare (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)

Douglas Bruster

  Drama and the Market in the Age of Shakespeare (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)  Douglas Bruster  Book DescriptionDouglas Bruster's provocative study of English Renaissance drama explores its links with Elizabethan and Jacobean economy and society.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDouglas Bruster's provocative study of English Renaissance drama explores its links with Elizabethan and Jacobean economy and society....

Сказки Америки. В 2 книгах. Книга 2

  Сказки Америки. В 2 книгах. Книга 2  Терра-Книжный клуб.   Сказки мира.   Во второй книге продолжена публикация образцов устного народного творчества коренных жителей Америки, но основное внимание уделено сказкам переселенцев из других стран. Многие сюжеты, рожденные в Европе и Африке, не были забыты, а получили дальнейшее развитие. Сказки современной Америки, соединив в себе черты разных цивилизаций, отразили жизнь в новых условиях, в новое время.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Терра-Книжный клуб. Сказки мира. Во второй книге продолжена публикация образцов устного народного творчества коренных жителей Америки, но основное внимание уделено сказкам переселенцев из других стран. Многие сюжеты, рожденные в Европе и Африке, не были забыты, а получили дальнейшее развитие. Сказки современной Америки, соединив в себе черты разных цивилизаций, отразили жизнь в новых условиях, в новое время....

Раз, два, горе-не беда. Фильм-сказка

Юлий Ким, Михаил Юзовский

  Раз, два, горе-не беда. Фильм-сказка  Юлий Ким, Михаил Юзовский  Стрекоза-Пресс.   Герои любимого фильма Стрекоза-Пресс. Герои любимого фильма "Раз, два, горе - не беда!" теперь на страницах нашей книги!...

<<<  Power, Rights, and Poverty: Concepts and Connections.              CCNA Portable Command Guide (CCNA Self-Study). Scott ... >>>

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The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease. Michael D., M.D. Ozner . Книги.

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