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Power, Rights, and Poverty: Concepts and Connections
Book DescriptionWhile the terms "power" and "rights" are increasingly incorporated into the language of development agencies they have yet to fully permeate the practice of poverty reduction. Acknowledging that this partly results from a lack of clarity over the concepts of power and rights and partly from questions of how to operationalize these ideas, the World Bank and the UK Department for International Development co-sponsored a series of short papers for focusing on enhancing understanding of the relationships between power, rights, and poverty reductions. Following discussion during a two day working meeting, this publication brings together the edited papers, along with a selection of supplementary materials. A first series of papers addresses competing definitions and conceptual issues around power and rights, illustrating these with experiences observing and applying the concepts in practice in different countries. Following this, papers address topics aimed at helping......
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It's Your First Year Teaching... But You Don't Have to Act Like It Bob Kitchen
Book DescriptionMany colleges aren't teaching teachers what they really need to know, and as a result, thousands of teachers are fleeing the profession on an annual basis. Bob Kitchen offers practical advice, not teacher speak rhetoric that helps in solving this problem. Sections include topics such as: how to find a job, how to prepare for the job, what to do and say on your first day, and how to handle various discipline situations that may arise throughout the first year....
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Gainsborough Pop Hugh Belsey
Book DescriptionThe work of the English artist Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) lives on not only in museums and stately homes but in reproductions and reflections of all kinds--ceramics, cigarette cards, biscuit tins, fans, hats, films, and cartoons. These incidental objects and ephemera are part of the history of Gainsborough?s art and influence. Naturally, his most iconic works feature strongly--The Blue Boy or The Duchess of Devonshire (once the most expensive picture in the world, dramatically stolen and finally recovered by Pinkerton?s detective agency). Told for the first time in this book, this is an important episode in the history of English and American taste. This little book is a timely publication to accompany the international Gainsborough retrospective opening in Washington and Boston in 2003. Hugh Belsey is curator at Gainsborough?s House in the artist?s home town of Sudbury, Suffolk. Christopher Wren is a collectables expert....
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Charcoal, Sanguine Crayon, and Chalk (Barron's Art Handbooks) Parramon's Editorial Team
Book Description The pocket-size books in this instructive series cover virtually every aspect of the graphic arts and make handy quick-reference guides for art students, teachers, and museum visitors. They are heavily illustrated in color and filled with descriptive and instructional information. The books fall into four categories: Purple Series titles explain art media and techniques; Red Series books describe different genres and visual effects; Green Series books illustrate art tools and theory; andYellow Series titles survey periods and movements in art history. This Purple Series title explains techniques for sketching and drawing with dry media. Instruction focuses on creating light and shadow, indicating perspective, mastering monochrome portrait art, and achieving all other techniques related to these media....
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The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Post-Polio Syndrome: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age Icon Health Publications
Book DescriptionThis sourcebook has been created for patients who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it also tells patients where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related to post-polio syndrome, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. The title of this book includes the word official. This reflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research. Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on post-polio syndrome. Followingan introductory chapter, the sourcebook is organized into three parts. PART I: THE ESSENTIALS; Chapter 1. The Essentials on Post-Polio Syndrome: Guidelines; Chapter 2. Seeking Guidance; Chapter 3. Clinical Trials and Post-Polio......
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Power, Rights, and Poverty: Concepts and Connections. . Книги.
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