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Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy: The Critical Citizen's Guide to Argumentative Rhetoric: Brief Edition for a New Political Era (Cultural Politics and the Promise of Democracy) Donald Lazere
This brief edition of a ground-breaking textbook addresses the need for college students to develop critical reading, writing, and thinking skills for self-defense in the contentious arena of American civic rhetoric. Designed for first-year or more advanced composition and critical thinking courses, it is one-third shorter than the original edition, more affordable for students, and easier for teachers to cover in a semester or quarter. It incorporates up-to-date new readings and analysis of controversies like the growing inequality of wealth in America and the debates in the 2008 presidential campaign, expressed in opposing viewpoints from the political left and right. Exercises help students understand the ideological positions and rhetorical patterns that underlie such opposing views. Widely debated issues of whether objectivity is possible and whether there is a liberal or conservative bias in news and entertainment media, as well as in education itself, are foregrounded as topics......
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Love and Destiny: Discover the Secret Language of Relationships Sharon Jeffers
Hampton Roads Publishing Company. Originally devised by the ancient Egyptians, our familiar deck of 52 playing cards was first used as a divination and time-keeping tool. Author Sharon Jeffers has researched and recovered the mystical language of the cards in this beautifully designed, four-color gift book. Using the "Love and Destiny" divination system, readers discover: Ancient secrets about the cards as oracles of life and relationships; Their true personality type and who is the best type of person with which to be in a relationship; Types of people with whom to avoid having a relationship; Guidance in all of life's relationships, in addition to romantic attachments. The ancient, mystical system presented in "Love and Destiny" is unsurpassed in its delineations of the character and nature of relationships their strengths and weaknesses, the lessons presented, the opportunities that exist, and last but not least, what each relationship needs most to find its fullest......
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Вся нумерология от даты и судьбы до цифрового анализа
Харвест. Книга посвящена нумерологии - древней и все еще развивающейся науке о числах и их влиянии на жизнь и судьбу человека. С помощью описанных в книге методик и приемов читатель сможет предсказать важные события в собственной жизни и жизни близких, понять важные, но скрытые механизмы мироздания, оценить состояние своего здоровья и стать на путь его улучшения....
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Rule Your Freakin' Retirement: How to Retire Rich by Actively Managing Your Assets Michael Parness
DON’T PANIC. RULE!Market turbulence has made opening monthly 401(k) statements shocking rather than reassuring. Michael “Waxie” Parness can help.The standard strategies and advice regarding your retirement accounts are NOT working. Many people’s 401(k)s are now 201(k)s, and it may get worse. YOU need to take control of your retirement, and your life. Rule Your Freakin’ Retirement, through practical and pragmatic advice and examples, will teach you alternatives to the “buy, hold, and pray” strategies most investment advisers give. In today’s world you need fresh ideas, and this book gives you the tools you need to not only protect what you have in your IRA, but to grow it in an aggressive, time-tested, yet easily managed way. And, yes, a safer way!Building on his successful Rule the Freakin' Markets, master trader and motivational speaker Michael Parness applies the same aggressive strategies to normally ignored or undermanaged 401(k), IRA, and other retirement accounts. Contrary to......
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Джунгар. Небесное Испытание Ольга Погодина
АСТ, АСТ Москва. Заклятые миры. Сын отрешенной от трона княжны государства Ургах, выросший в изгнании, с детства познавший все ужасы доли невольника - и ставший одним из лучших воинов привольных восточных степей, где обитают мужественные, не знающие страха кочевники. Теперь на него начинается настоящая охота... Смерти опасного родича желают двоюродные братья, подчинившие своей власти племена охоритов и мечтающие о захвате княжеского трона. Смерти его ищет и отважный Юз - лучший из полководцев империи Куаньлин, ведущей опасную и циничную дипломатическую игру, цель которой - захватить Ургах. Но Илуге не страшится врагов - ни тайных, ни явных. Он готов рискнуть собственной жизнью и открыто явиться в Ургах, чтобы спасти от гибели мать, которую обвинили в предательстве и приговорили мучительной казни......
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Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy: The Critical Citizen's Guide to Argumentative Rhetoric: Brief Edition for a New Political Era (Cultural Politics and the Promise of Democracy). Donald Lazere . Книги.
Смоленск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Уссурийск,
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