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4000 Jahre Algebra: Geschichte. Kulturen. Menschen (Vom Zahlstein zum Computer) H.-W. Alten, A. Djafari Naini, M. Folkerts, H. Schlosser, K.-H. Schlote, H. Wu?ing
Die Autoren beschreiben die Entstehung, Entwicklung und Wandlung der Algebra als Teil unserer Kulturgeschichte. Ursprunge, Ansto?e und die Entwicklung algebraischer Begriffe und Methoden werden in enger Verflechtung mit historischen Ereignissen und menschlichen Schicksalen dargestellt. Ein erster Spannungsbogen reicht von den Fruhformen des Rechnens mit naturlichen Zahlen und Bruchen zur Losung einfacher Gleichungen bis hin zur Losung von Gleichungen dritten und vierten Grades in der Renaissance. Von den misslungenen Versuchen zur Losung allgemeiner Gleichungen hoheren Grades im 17 Jh. zieht sich ein weiterer Bogen zu den genialen Ideen des jungen Galois und den beruhmten Beweisen des Fundamentalsatzes der Algebra durch C.F. Gau?. Die Wandlung der Algebra von der Gleichungslehre zur Theorie algebraischer Strukturen wird danach ebenso beschrieben, wie die vollig neuen Akzente, die die Computeralgebra in neuester Zeit gesetzt hat....
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Harrington on Hold 'em Expert Strategy for No Limit Tournaments, Vol. 2: Endgame Dan Harrington, Bill Robertie
Two Plus Two Publishing LLC. Poker has taken America by storm. But it's not just any form of poker that has people across the country so excited it's no-limit hold 'em the main event game. And now, thanks to televised tournaments, tens of thousands of new players are eager to claim their share of poker glory. In the first volume of this series, "Harrington on Hold 'em: Volume I: Strategic Play", Dan Harrington explained how to play in the early phases of tournaments, when most players at the table had plenty of chips, and the blinds and antes were small. This book, "Harrington on Hold 'em: Volume II: The Endgame" shows you how to play in the later phases of a tournament, when the field has been cut down, the blinds and antes are growing, and the big prize money is within sight. Harrington shows you how to make moves, handle tricky inflection point plays, and maneuver when the tournament is down to its last few players and the end is in sight. He?'s also included a whole chapter on heads-up play, whose......
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Сокровища музеев России
АСТ, Полигон. Данная книга знакомит читателя с крупнейшими художественными музеями России. В ней рассказывается об истории создания этих сокровищниц мировой культуры и о наиболее известных из хранящихся в них шедевров живописи и скульптуры. Издание богато иллюстрировано, что делает его особенно интересным для любителей искусства....
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The Silence of the Lambs Thomas Harris
St. Martin's Paperbacks. The #1 New York Times bestseller that became a worldwide phenomenon, "The Silence of the Lambs" introduced Hannibal Lecter, one of the most unforgettable villains in contemporary fiction - one who aroused in readers something far more profound than terror... FBI trainee Clarice Starling is in search of a serial killer who bonds with his victims in unspeakable ways. There is only one way to find him. By unlocking the secrets of another man who once also killed mercilessly... Dr. Hannibal Lecter, confined to a state hospital for the criminally insane, is charming, brilliant, and seductive. He's willing to give Clarice what she needs. If Clarice gives him what he wants... In the unfathomable corners of a madman's mind the truth is waiting. And only in that darkness will Clarice discover how much innocence she's yet to shed. Формат издания: 10,5 см х 17 см....
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The Little Schemer Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen
The MIT Press. -...
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4000 Jahre Algebra: Geschichte. Kulturen. Menschen (Vom Zahlstein zum Computer). H.-W. Alten, A. Djafari Naini, M. Folkerts, H. Schlosser, K.-H. Schlote, H. Wu?ing . Книги.
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