CNC: A First Look Primer

William Luggen

  CNC: A First Look Primer  William Luggen  This is a beginner's introduction to computer numerical control. It offers solid instruction in the fundamentals of this highly skill-oriented technology. Structured and designed to be a comprehensive and holistic primer on the subject, it breaks each concept into 36 single-topic, easy-to-understand learning units throughout 6 major sections. The text is written at an accessible level with opportunities for the student to write answers to questions which build critical thinking skills in math and computer science. ALSO AVAILABLE INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDER Instructor's Manual, ISBN: 0-8273-7246-9  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a beginner's introduction to computer numerical control. It offers solid instruction in the fundamentals of this highly skill-oriented technology. Structured and designed to be a comprehensive and holistic primer on the subject, it breaks each concept into 36 single-topic, easy-to-understand learning units throughout 6 major sections. The text is written at an accessible level with opportunities for the student to write answers to questions which build critical thinking skills in math and computer science. ALSO AVAILABLE INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDER Instructor's Manual, ISBN: 0-8273-7246-9...

Principles and Practice of Information Security

Linda Volonino, Stephen R. Robinson

  Principles and Practice of Information Security  Linda Volonino, Stephen R. Robinson  This book provides professionals with the necessary managerial, technical, and legal background to support investment decisions in security technology. It discusses security from the perspective of hackers (i.e., technology issues and defenses) and lawyers (i.e., legal issues and defenses). This cross-disciplinary book is designed to help users quickly become current on what has become a fundamental business issue. This book covers the entire range of best security practices?obtaining senior management commitment, defining information security goals and policies, transforming those goals into a strategy for monitoring intrusions and compliance, and understanding legal implications. Topics also include computer crime, electronic evidence, cyber terrorism, and computer forensics. For professionals in information systems, financial accounting, human resources, health care, legal policy, and law. Because neither technical nor legal expertise is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book provides professionals with the necessary managerial, technical, and legal background to support investment decisions in security technology. It discusses security from the perspective of hackers (i.e., technology issues and defenses) and lawyers (i.e., legal issues and defenses). This cross-disciplinary book is designed to help users quickly become current on what has become a fundamental business issue. This book covers the entire range of best security practices?obtaining senior management commitment, defining information security goals and policies, transforming those goals into a strategy for monitoring intrusions and compliance, and understanding legal implications. Topics also include computer crime, electronic evidence, cyber terrorism, and computer forensics. For professionals in information systems, financial accounting, human resources, health care, legal policy, and law. Because neither technical nor legal expertise is......

Lecture Notes on Empirical Software Engineering (Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 12)

Natalia Juristo, Ana M. Moreno

  Lecture Notes on Empirical Software Engineering (Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 12)  Natalia Juristo, Ana M. Moreno  Empirical verification of knowledge is one of the foundations for developing any discipline. As far as software construction is concerned, the empirically verified knowledge is not only sparse but also not very widely disseminated among developers and researchers. This book aims to spread the idea of the importance of empirical knowledge in software development from a highly practical viewpoint. It has two goals: (1) Define the body of empirically validated knowledge in software development so as to advise practitioners on what methods or techniques have been empirically analysed and what the results were; (2) as empirical tests have traditionally been carried out by universities or research centres, propose techniques applicable by industry to check on the software development technologies they use.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Empirical verification of knowledge is one of the foundations for developing any discipline. As far as software construction is concerned, the empirically verified knowledge is not only sparse but also not very widely disseminated among developers and researchers. This book aims to spread the idea of the importance of empirical knowledge in software development from a highly practical viewpoint. It has two goals: (1) Define the body of empirically validated knowledge in software development so as to advise practitioners on what methods or techniques have been empirically analysed and what the results were; (2) as empirical tests have traditionally been carried out by universities or research centres, propose techniques applicable by industry to check on the software development technologies they use....

Изучение геометрии в 7, 8, 9 классах. Методические рекомендации к учебнику. Книга для учителя

  Изучение геометрии в 7, 8, 9 классах. Методические рекомендации к учебнику. Книга для учителя  Просвещение.   Пособие предназначено для учителя, который преподает геометрию в 7-9 классах по учебнику авторов: Л.С.Атанасян, В.Ф.Бутузов, С.Б.Кадомцев, Э.Г.Позняк, И.И.Юдина (М.: Просвещение, 1990 и последующие издания). Оно написано в соответствии с методической концепцией этого учебника, полностью соответствует ему как по содержанию, так и по структуре. Пособие будет полезно в первую очередь начинающему учителю.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Просвещение. Пособие предназначено для учителя, который преподает геометрию в 7-9 классах по учебнику авторов: Л.С.Атанасян, В.Ф.Бутузов, С.Б.Кадомцев, Э.Г.Позняк, И.И.Юдина (М.: Просвещение, 1990 и последующие издания). Оно написано в соответствии с методической концепцией этого учебника, полностью соответствует ему как по содержанию, так и по структуре. Пособие будет полезно в первую очередь начинающему учителю....

Китайский стиль

Доон Джекобсон

  Китайский стиль  Доон Джекобсон  Искусство - XXI век.   Искусство - XXI век. "Китайский стиль" - книга об увлечении Европы и Америки стилем шинуазри. В ней удачно сочетаются серьезность научного исследования, доступность изложения и богатство иллюстративного материала. Издание рассчитано на искусствоведов, дизайнеров, а также на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся предметом....

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CNC: A First Look Primer. William Luggen . Книги.

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