101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems

Paul Falcone

  101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems  Paul Falcone  101 SAMPLE WRITE-UPS FOR DOCUMENTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS A Guide to Progressive Discipline & Termination There's no escaping problem employees. But with 101 pre- written disciplinary write-ups at a manager's fingertips, there is a way to escape the headaches, anxiety, and potential legal trouble of performance review or counseling sessions. These ready-to-go documents eliminate the fretful second-guessing about what to do and how to say it. Expertly written, they cover every kindof problem -- substandard work quality, absenteeism, insubordination, sexual harassment, e-mail misuse, and more. In addition, readers will find a complete explanation of the entire disciplinary process and (as a last resort) 18 sample termination letters. The disciplinary process outlined here is not about punishing employees into submission. Rather, it focuses on easing tension, opening up bilateral communications, and providing helpful direction on turning problem performance...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 101 SAMPLE WRITE-UPS FOR DOCUMENTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS A Guide to Progressive Discipline & Termination There's no escaping problem employees. But with 101 pre- written disciplinary write-ups at a manager's fingertips, there is a way to escape the headaches, anxiety, and potential legal trouble of performance review or counseling sessions. These ready-to-go documents eliminate the fretful second-guessing about what to do and how to say it. Expertly written, they cover every kindof problem -- substandard work quality, absenteeism, insubordination, sexual harassment, e-mail misuse, and more. In addition, readers will find a complete explanation of the entire disciplinary process and (as a last resort) 18 sample termination letters. The disciplinary process outlined here is not about punishing employees into submission. Rather, it focuses on easing tension, opening up bilateral communications, and providing helpful direction on turning problem performance......

The Stress Management Handbook

Lori Leyden-Rubenstein

  The Stress Management Handbook  Lori Leyden-Rubenstein  No other book offers the scientific scope, compelling success stories and comprehensive mind-body-spirit strategies for stress management - all in simple language and an easy to read format. The contents includes: the author's personal story of physical, emotional and spiritual healing; scientific evidence supporting the mind-body-spirit connection; why psychiatric drugs are not a panacea for stress-related symptoms; a sound philosophy of harnessing personal power through self-knowledge, self-love, spirituality, and commitment to change; over 50 practical strategies covering healing breath work, meditation, and other physical relaxation techniques; overcoming stressful thoughts, beliefs and emotions; getting needs met; self-reflection; communication skills; seeing options; self-acceptance, self-compassion and self-love; listening to your inner voice; the power of gratitude and wonder; living in the present moment; finding inner peace; and more; compelling and poignant...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин No other book offers the scientific scope, compelling success stories and comprehensive mind-body-spirit strategies for stress management - all in simple language and an easy to read format. The contents includes: the author's personal story of physical, emotional and spiritual healing; scientific evidence supporting the mind-body-spirit connection; why psychiatric drugs are not a panacea for stress-related symptoms; a sound philosophy of harnessing personal power through self-knowledge, self-love, spirituality, and commitment to change; over 50 practical strategies covering healing breath work, meditation, and other physical relaxation techniques; overcoming stressful thoughts, beliefs and emotions; getting needs met; self-reflection; communication skills; seeing options; self-acceptance, self-compassion and self-love; listening to your inner voice; the power of gratitude and wonder; living in the present moment; finding inner peace; and more; compelling and poignant......

Manufacturing Powerlessness in the Black Diaspora: Inner-City Youth and the New Global Frontier

Charles Green

  Manufacturing Powerlessness in the Black Diaspora: Inner-City Youth and the New Global Frontier  Charles Green  Despite the economic utopianism brought on by globalization, effective solutions to the persistent plight of urban blacks throughout the African diaspora continue to elude scholars, politicians, and community leaders. Charles Green brings a decade of research and original fieldwork in Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States to investigate the interface of the historic racism faced by these urban communities and contemporary trends of globalization. Green pays particular attention to the condition ofthe youth, whose aspirations, vulnerabilities, and insights into their own conditions are central to the future prospects for their communities as a whole. Considering the impacts of economic restructuring and cultural diffusion alike, his analysis asserts the importance of both global ties and local distinctiveness. Ultimately, Manufacturing Powerlessness aims to encourage the formation of alliances throughout the diaspora so that urban black communities can manufacture a future of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Despite the economic utopianism brought on by globalization, effective solutions to the persistent plight of urban blacks throughout the African diaspora continue to elude scholars, politicians, and community leaders. Charles Green brings a decade of research and original fieldwork in Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States to investigate the interface of the historic racism faced by these urban communities and contemporary trends of globalization. Green pays particular attention to the condition ofthe youth, whose aspirations, vulnerabilities, and insights into their own conditions are central to the future prospects for their communities as a whole. Considering the impacts of economic restructuring and cultural diffusion alike, his analysis asserts the importance of both global ties and local distinctiveness. Ultimately, Manufacturing Powerlessness aims to encourage the formation of alliances throughout the diaspora so that urban black communities can manufacture a future of......

The Commoner Syndrome: Twenty-First Century Roadblock

Mark Meek

  The Commoner Syndrome: Twenty-First Century Roadblock  Mark Meek  In the early 1990’s, the U.S. government set down the goal that American children would be number one in the world in mathematics and science by the year 2000. As of this writing, we have not come close to this goal, but rather have slipped further. Reformation of the education system does not seem to be working in improving grades. Meanwhile, many high-tech industries cannot find enough workers with the required skills. These are manifestations of The Commoner Syndrome. Many bright students fall victim to an invisible but powerful force holding them back. The first step to dealing with the commoner syndrome is to explore and understand it. That is the purpose of this book. Mark Meek is from a commoner immigrant family and has struggled with and, watched others struggle with, the commoner syndrome all his life. He decided that it should be nailed down and defeated. Mr. Meek is also the author of The Theory of Primes .  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the early 1990’s, the U.S. government set down the goal that American children would be number one in the world in mathematics and science by the year 2000. As of this writing, we have not come close to this goal, but rather have slipped further. Reformation of the education system does not seem to be working in improving grades. Meanwhile, many high-tech industries cannot find enough workers with the required skills. These are manifestations of The Commoner Syndrome. Many bright students fall victim to an invisible but powerful force holding them back. The first step to dealing with the commoner syndrome is to explore and understand it. That is the purpose of this book. Mark Meek is from a commoner immigrant family and has struggled with and, watched others struggle with, the commoner syndrome all his life. He decided that it should be nailed down and defeated. Mr. Meek is also the author of The Theory of Primes ....

Evolutionary and Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches to Economics (Recent Economic Thought)

Lars Magnusson

  Evolutionary and Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches to Economics (Recent Economic Thought)  Lars Magnusson  This volume presents the interrelationships and possible connecting threads between two recent attempts within economic theory to step out of the mainstream of conventional neoclassical wisdom: evolutionary and neo-Schumpeterian theory. Neo-Schumpeterianand evolutionary approaches to economics present a challenge to conventional neoclassical orthodoxy. They provide new insights into how markets function, how innovations are carried out, how technologies change, and how growth occurs in existing real economies. The two fields of theory and research in which these approaches have proven especially fruitful are the role of innovation for economic change and development and the theory of the firm. The wide range of topics dealt with in this volume provides further proof of the versatility and fruitfulness of these approaches.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume presents the interrelationships and possible connecting threads between two recent attempts within economic theory to step out of the mainstream of conventional neoclassical wisdom: evolutionary and neo-Schumpeterian theory. Neo-Schumpeterianand evolutionary approaches to economics present a challenge to conventional neoclassical orthodoxy. They provide new insights into how markets function, how innovations are carried out, how technologies change, and how growth occurs in existing real economies. The two fields of theory and research in which these approaches have proven especially fruitful are the role of innovation for economic change and development and the theory of the firm. The wide range of topics dealt with in this volume provides further proof of the versatility and fruitfulness of these approaches....

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101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems. Paul Falcone . Книги.

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