Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps : A guide to iLife,, and more (Little Book Series)

John Tollett, Robin Williams

  Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps : A guide to iLife,, and more (Little Book Series)  John Tollett, Robin Williams  Prepare to pounce! This book offers all the friendly, practical instruction you need to immediately take advantage of the powerfully enhanced applications that come pre-installed with Mac OS X Panther. Through tutorials, tips, and techniques you'll learn how to use each of the powerful apps--both individually and as part of an integrated, interactive suite. Robin and John also cover the features of the immensely popular .Mac account and its applications. Whether you're a new or veteran user, you'll welcome this volume's easy approach to all that's new (and not so new) in Panther's application collection. You'll find an entire chapter on GarageBand, Apple's new consumer-level music-making software. You'll also learn everything about getting on the Internet and using email, including the greatest web browser, Safari; the way-cool iChat AV, which adds audio and video to instant messaging; an updated iTunes, which includes access to the revolutionary Apple iTunes Music Store; a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Prepare to pounce! This book offers all the friendly, practical instruction you need to immediately take advantage of the powerfully enhanced applications that come pre-installed with Mac OS X Panther. Through tutorials, tips, and techniques you'll learn how to use each of the powerful apps--both individually and as part of an integrated, interactive suite. Robin and John also cover the features of the immensely popular .Mac account and its applications. Whether you're a new or veteran user, you'll welcome this volume's easy approach to all that's new (and not so new) in Panther's application collection. You'll find an entire chapter on GarageBand, Apple's new consumer-level music-making software. You'll also learn everything about getting on the Internet and using email, including the greatest web browser, Safari; the way-cool iChat AV, which adds audio and video to instant messaging; an updated iTunes, which includes access to the revolutionary Apple iTunes Music Store; a......

Information Systems Technology

Ross Malaga

  Information Systems Technology  Ross Malaga  This book introduces information systems and their underlying technologies to readers, laying a solid foundation of knowledge before discussing their use and management. Chapter topics cover hardware, software, database, and networking technologies; Internet and World Wide Web technologies; using information systems for electronic business, decision making, and business integration; managing information systems for strategic advantage; managing the development and purchase of information systems; and managing security, disaster recovery, and data retention. For individuals interested in a career in business, with an interest?but little or no knowledge of?information systems and the field of IT.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book introduces information systems and their underlying technologies to readers, laying a solid foundation of knowledge before discussing their use and management. Chapter topics cover hardware, software, database, and networking technologies; Internet and World Wide Web technologies; using information systems for electronic business, decision making, and business integration; managing information systems for strategic advantage; managing the development and purchase of information systems; and managing security, disaster recovery, and data retention. For individuals interested in a career in business, with an interest?but little or no knowledge of?information systems and the field of IT....

Digital Storm: Fresh Business Strategies from the Electronic Marketplace

Philipp Gerbert, Alex Birch

  Digital Storm: Fresh Business Strategies from the Electronic Marketplace  Philipp Gerbert, Alex Birch  "No company doing business in the 21st century can escape the digital storm. You can be ill-prepared or well-prepared. I'd rather you be well-prepared. Absorbing the lessons of the current book will be a regarding investment of your time." Hasso Plattner, CEO and Co-Founder, SAP "As the dust settles on the Internet boom, we can all benefit by taking a close look at what we learned. Companies like Enron were able to revolutionize their businesses and are even more excited about the future. Whether you're building on your own success, preparing to get back in the game or just starting out, Philipp Gerbert and his colleagues have put a great collection of research and insights at your fingertips." Jeff Skilling, CEO, Enron Corporation "While Internet valuations have faded, the importance of managing an e-business is actually increasing rapidly. Digital Storm provides unique insights into what has been learned in the electronic marketplace and how to address future......

Running QuickBooks 2003 Premier Editions

Kathy Ivens

  Running QuickBooks 2003 Premier Editions  Kathy Ivens  The definitive guide to the QuickBooks Premier editions. Detailed coverage of undocumented functions. Tricks, tips, and shortcuts to help you unleash the power of the Premier editions features. Easy to follow instructions. This book is a must-have for accounting professionals and business owners.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The definitive guide to the QuickBooks Premier editions. Detailed coverage of undocumented functions. Tricks, tips, and shortcuts to help you unleash the power of the Premier editions features. Easy to follow instructions. This book is a must-have for accounting professionals and business owners....

Теория и компьютерные методы исследования стохастических систем

К. А. Пупков, Н. Д. Егупов, А. М. Макаренков, А. И. Трофимов

  Теория и компьютерные методы исследования стохастических систем  К. А. Пупков, Н. Д. Егупов, А. М. Макаренков, А. И. Трофимов  ФИЗМАТЛИТ.   Изложены современные прикладные методы исследования стохастических систем, ориентированные на компьютерную реализацию; они основаны на проекционной аппроксимации математических моделей стохастических систем с применением техники матричных операторов. В качестве стохастических систем рассматриваются системы автоматического управления в классе систем со случайными параметрами. Проекционная аппроксимация позволяет строить эффективные вычислительные алгоритмы решения задач анализа. Приводятся примеры алгоритмической и программной реализации излагаемых методов. В качестве языка программирования используется язык системы MATLAB. Для научных работников, специалистов в области математического моделирования и теории автоматического управления, а также для студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальностей вузов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ФИЗМАТЛИТ. Изложены современные прикладные методы исследования стохастических систем, ориентированные на компьютерную реализацию; они основаны на проекционной аппроксимации математических моделей стохастических систем с применением техники матричных операторов. В качестве стохастических систем рассматриваются системы автоматического управления в классе систем со случайными параметрами. Проекционная аппроксимация позволяет строить эффективные вычислительные алгоритмы решения задач анализа. Приводятся примеры алгоритмической и программной реализации излагаемых методов. В качестве языка программирования используется язык системы MATLAB. Для научных работников, специалистов в области математического моделирования и теории автоматического управления, а также для студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальностей вузов....

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Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps : A guide to iLife,, and more (Little Book Series). John Tollett, Robin Williams . Книги.

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