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Measurement Error and Latent Variables in Econometrics Tom Wansbeek, Erik Meijer
Hardbound. The book first discusses in depth various aspects of the well-known inconsistency that arises when explanatory variables in a linear regression model are measured with error. Despite this inconsistency, the region where the true regression coeffecients lies can sometimes be characterized in a useful way, especially when bounds are known on the measurement error variance but also when such information is absent. Wage discrimination with imperfect productivity measurement is discussed as an important special case. Next, it is shown that the inconsistency is not accidental but fundamental. Due to an identification problem, no consistent estimators may exist at all. Additional information is desirable. This information can be of various types. One type is exact prior knowledge about functions of the parameters. This leads to the CALS estimator. Another major type is in the form of instrumental variables. Many aspects of this are discussed, inc...
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Sales Transactions (University Casebook Series) Honnold
This publication permits a broad and deep consideration of major U.S. commercial statutes and importand international conventions providing uniform law for the international sale of goods....
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Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application With Economic Applications Card and Infotrac College Edition Walter Nicholson
Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Applications provides a clear and concise introduction to the ways in which economists study the operations of markets. This well-known author's signature is to provide a text that is accessible to the students, but still enables them to learn "the real thing." This text is appropriate for students who are taking a second level microeconomics course with an algebra focus....
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Winning With the Employee from Hell: A Guide to Coaching and Motivation (Winning With the . . . from Hell) Shaun Belding
This guide helps managers determine which of their problem employees may need a little encouragement, a little direction, a full-fledged attitude adjustment, or to be set free. Managers learn how to work with a myriad of challenging personality types-from those who just can't seem to get the job done to negative, whiny, and uncooperative ones. Employers learn the importance of setting goals, observing and assessing performance, and responding with motivating and nonnegotiable performance standards....
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Диахроническая морфология В. К. Журавлев
Едиториал УРСС. Монография образует единое целое с другой книгой автора "Диахроническая фонология" и посвящена фундаментальным проблемам языковой эволюции. В ней рассматриваются принципы историзма, системности и причинности в сравнительно-исторических исследованиях, впервые ставится проблема "лингвистического времени", вскрывается механизм действия законов морфологической аналогии, анализируется механизм интеграции, устойчивости и саморазвития морфологической системы, излагаются основания и методы диахронической морфологии, исследуется динамика систем склонения и спряжения на материале славянских и балтийских языков. Для историков языка, компаративистов, специалистов по структурной лингвистике и славянскому языкознанию....
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Measurement Error and Latent Variables in Econometrics. Tom Wansbeek, Erik Meijer . Книги.
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