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Global Business Practices: Adapting for Success Michael J Copeland, Camille P Schuster
Working skillfully across different cultures can be a powerful competitive advantage. GLOBAL BUSINESS PRACTICES offers a practical outline to help readers understand how to adapt to local customs to accomplish specific company objectives ? no matter how far from home base. While preparation is the key to business success, the fast pace of the dynamic global marketplace doesn't always allow for much research. GLOBAL BUSINESS PRACTICES helps readers internalize an easily understood framework, enabling them to react more quickly -- and effectively -- to these contingencies. It's an excellent resource for anyone conducting business in the international arena....
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Divergent Paths: Hegel in Marxism and Engelsism Norman Levine
Divergent Paths is the first in a series of three volumes that explores the historiography of the relationship between Hegel and Marx; it sets the terms of the relationship between Marx and Engels, and explores the genesis of the theories of Marxism and Engelsism from the late 19th century to the present day. Given the vast pool of contemporary post Marxist theoretical work, a study like this is sorely needed. This is the most thorough exploration of Marx's ideas from Hegel through to the present day and is absolutely essential reading....
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Planning and Urban Design Standards (Wiley Graphic Standards) American Planning Association
From the publishers of Architectural Graphic Standards, this book, created under the auspices of The American Planning Association, is the most comprehensive reference book on urban planning, design, and development available today. Contributions from more than two hundred renowned professionals provide rules of thumb and best practices for mitigating such environmental impacts as noise, traffic, aesthetics, preservation of green space and wildlife, water quality, and more. You get in-depth information on the tools and techniques used to achieve planning and design outcomes, including economic analysis, mapping, visualization, legal foundations, and real estate developments. Thousands of illustrations, examples of custom work by todays leading planners, and insider information make this work the new standard in the field. Order your copy today....
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Мушкетер Даниэль Клугер
Текст. Кто из четырех отважных друзей-мушкетеров самый таинственный? О Д'Артаньяне нам известно почти все, Атос лишь напускает на себя таинственность, да и Арамис рассказывает о себе немало. Только о самом, казалось бы, простом из великолепной четверки, о Портосе мы не знаем ровным счетом ничего. Известный израильский писатель Даниэль Клугер предлагает читателю историческую фантазию о том, кто такой Портос, или его исторический прототип Исаак де Порту....
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Любовь и чума Мануэль Гонзалес
Гелеос. Только любовь может совершить настоящее чудо. Даже в самые тяжелые, жестокие времена она дарит людям надежду. Даже тогда, когда мир вокруг погружен во тьму и хаос, она расцвечивает его яркими красками, делая жизнь прекрасной. "Любовь и чума" Мануэля Гонзалеса - самый трогательный роман о любви, для которой нет преград. Его можно сравнить с "Ромео и Джульеттой" Шекспира и "Любовью во время чумы" Габриэля Гарсиа Маркеса. Но мир, описанный Гонзалесом, гораздо более жесток и трагичен......
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Global Business Practices: Adapting for Success. Michael J Copeland, Camille P Schuster . Книги.
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