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Surge (Yaoi) Kyle Green, Studio Kosaru
The gorgeous surfer Shawn needs to pass marine biology or else he'll flunk out of college. Luckily for him, the cute nerd Alan is dying to learn how to surf. The two are brought into each others' worlds and romantic sparks fly. It seems like a dream for Alan until Shawn's former boyfriend Clay gives him a harsh reality check. Clay warns that Shawn is just using Alan and will drop him the second he passes his test. He also hints about Shawn's dark side, which may have something to do with the injury that made Clay have to stop surfing. Can such a mismatched couple really be happy? Or is Alan just diving into trouble?...
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Directory of U.S. Labor Organizations, 2004 (Directory of Us Labor Organizations)
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Reasons and Rationalizations: The Limits to Organizational Knowledge Chris Argyris
What is the purpose of social science and management research? Do scholars/researchers have a responsibility to generate insights and knowledge that are of practical (implementable) value and validity? We are told we live in turbulent and changing times, should this not provide an important opportunity for management researchers to provide understanding and guidance? Yet there is widespread concern about the efficacy of much research. These are some of the puzzles/pressing problems that Chris Argyris addresses in this short book. Argyris is one of the best known management scholars in the world- a leading light whose work has consistently addressed fundamental organizational questions and who has provided some of the key concepts and building blocks of our understanding of organizational learning-single and double learning, theory in use, and espounded theory, etc. In this book, he questions many of the assumptions of organizational theory and research, and his investigation......
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Finding the Priority Path: Overcoming Organizational Obstacles Bryant L. Stringham, Jon D. Stephens
Every organization runs into barriers to success ? often caused from friction on the inside when department priorities aren't in alignment. FINDING THE PRIORITY PATH breaks the frustrating pattern. Through rigorous diagnosis-identification, prioritization, and generation of innovative solutions by the people who know the company from the inside out, the book helps companies resolve critical issues and clear their barriers. The unique PriorityPathA® approach focuses all available resources on accomplishing organizational purposes. Structures, policies, processes, procedures, and all internal and external functions are focused and aligned with each other and the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the organization. Scientific and practical, the book helps readers pinpoint trouble spots and then translate those findings into actions to create an aligned organization where no individual or function operates at cross purposes with the goal of accomplishing the organization's set......
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Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
A wheel turns because of its encounter with the surface of the road; spinning in the air it goes nowhere. Rubbing two sticks together produces heat and light; one stick alone is just a stick. In both cases, it is friction that produces movement, action, effect. Challenging the widespread view that globalization invariably signifies a "clash" of cultures, anthropologist Anna Tsing here develops friction in its place as a metaphor for the diverse and conflicting social interactions that make up our contemporary world. She focuses on one particular "zone of awkward engagement"--the rainforests of Indonesia--where in the 1980s and the 1990s capitalist interests increasingly reshaped the landscape not so much through corporate design as through awkward chains of legal and illegal entrepreneurs that wrested the land from previous claimants, creating resources for distant markets. In response, environmental movements arose to defend the rainforests and the communities of people who......
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Surge (Yaoi). Kyle Green, Studio Kosaru . Книги.
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