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The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach
Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian...
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Жилищные сертификаты для военнослужащих А. В. Афонина
Омега-Л. Жилищный ответ. Обеспечение военнослужащих и других граждан жильем за счет государственных жилищных сертификатов является одним из направлений жилищной реформы, проводимой в нашей стране. Написанная в краткой и доступной форме, книга поможет разобраться во всех сложных вопросах приобретения жилья с помощью жилищных сертификатов: кто из военнослужащих имеет право на получение жилищного сертификата, где и кто выдает сертификаты, а также какие документы необходимо предоставить для его получения и в какие сроки должен быть реализован жилищный сертификат и др. Издание адресовано военнослужащим, проходящим военную службу или уже уволенным в запас, а так же всем интересующимся данной темой....
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Music in the British Provinces, 1690-1914 Edited by Rachel Cowgill and Peter Holman
Ashgate Publishing. The period covered by this volume, roughly from Purcell to Elgar, has traditionally been seen as a dark age in British musical history. Much has been done recently to revise this view, though research still tends to focus on London as the commercial and cultural hub of the British Isles. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that by the mid eighteenth century musical activity outside London was highly distinctive in terms of its reach, the way it was organized, and its size, richness, and quality. There was an extraordinary amount of musical activity of all sorts, in provincial theatres and halls, in the amateur orchestras and choirs that developed in most towns of any size, in taverns, and convivial clubs, in parish churches and dissenting chapels, and, of course, in the home. This is the first book to concentrate specifically on musical life in the provinces, bringing together new archival research and offering a fresh perspective on British music of the period. The essays......
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Hannah Montana: Pro Vocal Series: Volume 20
Hal Leonard. Whether you're a karaoke singer or preparing for an audition, the Pro Vocal series is for you. The book contains the lyrics, melody, and chord symbols for eight hit songs. The CD contains demos for listening and separate backing tracks so you can sing along. The CD is playable on any CD, but it is also enhanced for PC and Mac computer users so you can adjust the recording to any pitch without changing the tempo! Perfect for home rehearsal, parties, auditions, corporate events, and gigs without a backup band. This volume includes 8 top hits from the show "Hannah Montana": "The Best of Both Worlds", "I Got Nerve", "If We Were a Movie", "Life's What You Make It", "Nobody's Perfect", "The Other Side of Me", "We Got the Party", "Who Said"....
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Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts!: Amigurumi (Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts)
Chronicle Books...
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The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach. Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian . Книги.
Казань, Тула, Ангарск, Пермь,
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